Pb (personal best) personal best of a sport 3


VO2max is a measure of a person’s maximum oxygen consumption per minute during exercise






Research shows that the most economical and effective step frequency is about 180 beats per minute, that is, the left and right feet will touch the ground 90 times respectively


The result of gunfire refers to the total time from the start to the end




It is characterized by low intensity and rhythm, and its heart rate is generally 130-140


The pacer is the leader in the marathon


The intensity or speed of running is usually larger and faster than that of continuous running




The marathon is a 42.195km road race


There are many ways to increase VO2max, including speed training (which forces the heart to pump blood at a higher heart rate)


In running events, participants will wear time chips, but most of the time, the net score will be different from the competition score


Rhythm running usually refers to the pace that the runner can maintain for one hour in the race


Compared with asphalt pavement, the soft ground condition of field trail is also a good change


These exercises will help improve your endurance and resilience during race day


Hitting a wall is usually a time when a runner’s energy level plummets, his breathing becomes difficult, and his negative thoughts emerge; this often happens 30-35 kilometers in a marathon


An acceleration run is usually a sprint that is incorporated into a warm-up or regular training for a certain distance


Wall bumps often occur because you’ve run out of fuel and need to replenish energy, which is converted by the body into carbohydrates (such as sports drinks or energy gels) that fuel your muscles


Generally, the stride length of male first runners is 100 cm, and that of female first runners is 80-90 cm






Aerobic running refers to the running of human body under the condition of sufficient supply of oxygen


At present, the most popular super horse distance is 50 km, 50 miles (about 80 km), 100 km and 100 miles (about 160 km) 15, cross-country running, part or all of the running away from the road


Rhythmic running is said to be a “comfortable effort” – you have to concentrate on trying to move forward, but not as hard as 5K or sprint


The number of times your feet land in a run, that is, the number of steps per minute


Because there are a large number of participants in running activities, the starting time of competition results is based on the sound of the gun, while the time for each person to pass the starting line is different


Stride is the distance of one step, calculated by the center of your feet


LSD (long slow distance) any run longer than once a week, which is the basis of Marathon and half marathon training


Net score refers to the score recorded by the timer chip


Speeding up can increase heart rate and leg exchange frequency; it can prepare your legs for running


The half marathon is a 21.0975km road race


It is thought to be caused by diaphragm cramps, flatulence or food in the stomach


After you run one step, the moving distance of the center of your feet is your stride


Interval running is a training method composed of high and low intensity (running and rest) alternately






Runners with naturally high VO2max tend to run faster because their heart provides more oxygen to their muscles


Speed up generally runs at 80% of the maximum pace, and easy jogging is used to relax between each group




The result of shooting includes the net result of Marathon plus the distance result of queue length..


Heart rate the number of times the heart beats in one minute


They have a good control of their own speed and rhythm, play a leading role in the event activities, and can help the participants improve their performance








When running, we don’t look at the pace, but only focus on heart rate


The expected time of cross-country running will be slower than usual


Pace how fast do you run, usually expressed in minutes per kilometer




Then this article is full of welfare stickers, real running dry goods


Bifurcation usually occurs in hard training or competition


Do more low-intensity activities (jogging or walking) at rest




Heart rate running refers to running training according to a certain heart rate range, such as heart rate 140-150




The net score is the chip score, which accurately records the actual score of the contestants




Super marathon any race in which the mileage exceeds the marathon






Rhythm running is a good way to improve fitness level without hard track training


Cross country running is becoming more and more popular, in part because running in the forest or in the mountains is usually more attractive than running on the road


Some friends who have just started running don’t understand some running terms when they listen to others talking about running, but they are embarrassed to ask because of their face


The severe pain of forks usually occurs under the ribs (although sometimes in the upper body)


Based on my personal experience, I also searched for some common running terms from the Internet & books to share with you




By KingWay