The correct way of running, in the process of running, the pursuit of step by step, in the long-distance running process, if the speed drop is serious, if it is not a race, please decisively end the running, enough! 4


Such a large amount of running will consume a lot of fat for a long time


Running as like as two peas, running in a proper position, everyone is not exactly the same as running, but the upper body must be upright and forward, but never stoop


I hope you can avoid them in advance! 1


Long distance aerobic training plays an important role in the improvement of endurance index of marathon


As a result, their metabolism speeds up and their purpose of exercising is greatly reduced


Breaking through ourselves can also bring us pleasure


These sugars combine with collagen fibers, leading to decreased skin elasticity, long spots and premature wrinkles


There are also some large amount of running enthusiasts, every day is 30 to 40 kilometers without rest, but ignore the strength training




Please refer to the original article of healthy running bar


Too many runs


In order to pursue performance, some runners, like professional athletes, strengthen training every day, such as intermittent running, variable speed running, accelerated running, lactate threshold running, long distance training It can lead to excessive strength and physical injury


It can improve cardiopulmonary function, increase muscle strength, improve endurance index, and shape your body These well-known benefits of running, no more! But some runners don’t know the healthy running mode, which leads to accelerated aging! Today’s healthy running bar, I’d like to discuss with you several ways to accelerate aging


As an amateur runner, you should rest at least once a week to give your body a time to recover


When some runners begin to participate in running, they are in the infatuated stage


This is one of the most common mistakes that many runners make! As the saying goes: “people compare with others, angry to death” if your heart of comparison is too serious, in the process of running, add some extra psychological burden, lead to the change of running attitude, affect their emotions, and be affected by emotions, lead to the way of running and not in line with the concept of health, and deviate from the direction


When running, hunchback will affect the expansion of the lungs, but also lead to damage to the spine, leading to hunchback, people look more aging


Healthy running, scientific running, healthy running and happy running with you No need to let running make you old Wen: treadmill chart: running is a very good way for 2020 running goddess contestants


Running too hard


In the process of running, they are overdrawn and lose speed seriously, but they still insist on gritting their teeth in order to break through their longest distance or the limit of their body! There are also some runners who do not have the level of running a full marathon, but painfully go for a full marathon, which makes their bodies extremely overdrawn, and even cause serious discomfort, leading to the decline of their immunity, which is not good for their bodies


In fact, treadmill doesn’t agree


They have to run every day, or even two times a day


The right way to run is to run for three days, or run for two days




Keep breaking the limits


At the same time, it will also consume other tissues, making the body thinner and look older


Excessive running intensity will also lead to some physiological dysfunction, disturb the blood supply balance of endocrine system and cardiovascular system, and also accelerate aging! As an amateur runner, running should be relaxed, and some jogging, rest and other running methods should be interspersed in order to run more healthily


The running posture is not correct


The right way of running, should be running and strength training, strength training can also speed up the combustion of heat, increase the body’s muscle content, also can make the body Fuller, look younger! 5


In the case of extreme fatigue, the body will also accelerate aging


Long time exercise and lack of rest will increase the content of cortisol in the blood, resulting in increased blood glucose


If you want to be young and sunny, you need to learn the correct running posture


They run too many times and do not reserve enough recovery time for their bodies


Ignore strength training


Most of the runners look younger than their actual age


Some runners deposit themselves in breaking through the limit


The heart of comparison is too strong


Mentality determines everything of running, running does not forget to take health as the goal, less comparison, less bravado, less illusory honor, find the heart, can be more healthy! Running is a sport to delay aging




It can even accelerate aging


This is an indisputable fact! However, there are some running enthusiasts, because of the incorrect running attitude, running knowledge and running way, which leads to accelerated aging of the body, and they look older than their actual age! Don’t let the delayed aging exercise accelerate your aging! Dear friends, if you feel the article useful, please pass it on to your running friends! Buy running equipment and go to the healthy running mall! Stamp


You need to rest for one day


Under the effect of psychological pressure, you will also accelerate aging


By KingWay