Don’t bear discomfort and continue to exercise


One of the mistakes that beginners often make is knee pain not long after running


So, after running, we can do some fascia relaxation at home to relieve the tense muscles


Don’t straighten your knees while running


The choice of the amount of running must be step by step


Whether you are running for weight loss or only running 5 kilometers, you need to carry out special physical training like a professional running! This will make you run more effortless, light and not easy to get hurt! If your own muscles are not strong enough and you just challenge long-term running and distance, you are definitely looking for injuries! Long term running, you need to practice gluteus medius, gluteus maximus, pelvic stability, hip flexibility, ankle stability and flexibility! Before running, we must stretch in time, stretch in time, stretch fully! If not in time, the muscle has been stiff, it can not prevent strain; not enough, equivalent to white stretching! This can prevent the accumulation of slight muscle stiffness and injury, not running for a long time, the thigh muscles become more and more rigid, more and more rigid, that goes against the original intention of “exercise is a good doctor”! Instead, it causes knee pain! Don’t run too much, no matter how correct your posture is, as long as you run too much, beyond your ability limit, you will be injured


No matter how correct your posture is, if you run too fast beyond your ability limit, you will be injured


Running is also a highly technical sport, not just a pair of running shoes seen on the Internet


No matter whether the leg is swinging forward or backward, the knee joint should not be 100% straight


Control the reasonable amount of running, don’t be overtired, especially for beginners


So usually, many runners ask me in private letters about knee pain after running


Your knees should be slightly bent throughout the run


Because this range is the best for buffering, and the most labor-saving


In addition, the relaxation after running should not forget to finish the step


Especially for the people who have already suffered from knee joint discomfort, the first step is to carry out knee joint rehabilitation


Therefore, the correct running posture and running concept is very important


It is recommended to use the middle part to contact the ground first


This will only aggravate your knee joint injury


Joggers land on their feet and heels, while fast runners land on the front of their feet


The bending angle of the knee should always be maintained at about 10-30 degrees


Because at this time, the buffer at the knee is equal to zero, and it will become a negative angle when landing carelessly, which is the easiest to hurt the knee


Many runners lack scientific and professional running knowledge and running guidance, They were injured all over during the run


No one can become a fat man with one mouthful


Click on the blue words above → focus on the running compass → share your wonderful sports moments


This is a problem that puzzles many people, not only sports Xiaobai, but also people with sports foundation


Don’t run too fast


After talking about the situation, I find that most people have problems with their running posture and running concept


If you have running training, injury recovery and weight loss plan, running equipment, marathon and other questions, please add wechat free consultation


If you feel the pain and discomfort on the outside of the knee, it is mostly “iliotibial band syndrome”, commonly known as running knee


At the beginning of running, choose a small amount of exercise, listen to the voice of your body, and stop when you feel tired


Today, Xiao Bian will explain to you: usually, you should practice more core strength


If you run too long, or too hard, and the iliotibial band is too tired and tense, it will rub against the lateral femoral condyle, causing the running knee


Research shows that a good long-distance runner usually lands in the middle of his foot


If you like this article, please forward and share a “watching” to those who insist on running ↘↘↘。


Pay attention to the landing position of the feet


By KingWay