During exercise, the body’s oxygen uptake and oxygen demand are basically equal


Body fat rate (BMI) body mass index (BMI) = square of weight / height (international unit: kg / m2) ideal BMI (18.5-23.9) = weight (unit: kg) × square of height (unit: m)


According to the formula 1mets = 1kcal / kg body weight × h, the 60kg exercise with this intensity will consume 480kcal in one hour (8kcal / kg


Note: the data is measured by bone mineral density laboratory


The American Society of Sports Medicine recommends continuous exercise with moderate intensity for 30-60 minutes every day, and the energy consumption of each activity should be about 300 kcal


The research shows that the proportion of fat energy supply increases with the extension of exercise time


Resting metabolic rate (RMR) due to basal metabolic rate( BMR:basalmetabolicrate )In 1985, who proposed to replace BMR with resting metabolic rate (RMR)


The difference between RMR and BMR is about 10%, so it is more common to use RMR


2.1 the effect of exercise on weight loss exercise can improve the disorder of fat metabolism, accelerate fat metabolism and limit fat accumulation


If you are engaged in sports with stable speed (fast walking or jogging) and know your weight, you can use the simple principle of “running or walking kilometers per hour is Mets” to calculate energy consumption


When the intake of heat energy is equal to the consumption, the body weight will remain unchanged.


Mets indicates the amount of physical activity with time in mind


Lean weight includes muscles, skin, bones, organs, body fluids and other non adipose tissues


In the 2020-2030 national fitness program, it is required to exercise at least 6000-10000 steps a day for 30-60min, which will help to achieve the standard of health


H × 60kg = 480kcal / h), and consume 8kcal per minute


Exercise intensity is often expressed by HR, oxygen consumption and MetS (energy or multiple of oxygen consumption at rest)


RMR accounts for the largest proportion of daily energy consumption (60% – 75%)


During the measurement, the whole body was at rest, but not on an empty stomach, but 3-4 hours after eating


Exercise can reduce body fat accumulation by increasing energy consumption


Weight loss should be as much as possible to lose excess fat and retain lean weight


Aerobic exercise is characterized by low intensity, long duration, large muscle group participation, a certain rhythm, convenient and easy to adhere to


1.1 exercise intensity exercise intensity is an important factor of aerobic exercise, which is related to energy supply, energy intake, oxygen consumption, sports injury and other factors


Resting metabolic rate (RMR) is the energy consumed by maintaining the normal function and homeostasis of human body, coupled with sympathetic nervous system activities


because he weighs 60 kg, he consumes 10.8 × 60 = 648 kcal per hour, and 10.8 kcal per minute


Therefore, the value of RMR is slightly higher than that of BMR, but the difference between them is very small


if he consumes 300 kcal each time, how long does it take? 180 m / min is equivalent to 10.8 km / h, that is, the energy consumption during exercise is about 10.8 Mets, that is, 10.8 kcal / kg


In aerobic exercise, we should pay attention to some problems, such as exercise time, intensity and event group


Due to the different age, physical fitness and health status of each person, the amount of aerobic exercise of each person is also different




For example, if the movement of 3mets is carried out for one hour, that is 3mets × hour, and if it is carried out for two hours, that is 6mets × hour


For example, the average speed of a person with 60 kg physical fitness is 180 m / min


Increasing the intensity will shorten the exercise time, on the contrary, when the load is reduced, the exercise time can last longer; the duration can be represented by distance or energy consumption


According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 20 million obese patients over 20 years old and 150 million overweight people in China


If you can’t keep exercising for 15 minutes or longer at the beginning of exercise, you can do it in stages and finish it in one day


It is 1mets when sitting quietly


At this time, the body was still carrying out some normal digestive activities


Obesity not only affects people’s physical beauty, causing psychological burden, but also often leads to hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes, dyslipidemia and other diseases, posing a threat to health


There is a reverse relationship between body mass index (BMI) and physical activity


We should make training plans according to different people


The basic factors affecting body weight are the intake and consumption of heat energy


There are a lot of sports science data will show the Mets of exercise, with MetS can calculate the value of energy consumption


On the contrary, if aerobic exercise is taken as the standard, as long as you know the average speed (such as fast walking) and weight during exercise, you can calculate how much time you need to exercise to consume the recommended energy


For example, the energy supply ratio of fatty acid is 27%, 37% and 50% respectively in 40 min, 90 min and 180 min continuous exercise


For example, if a person with a weight of 60kg walks 2000m fast in 15min, he can walk 8km in one hour, so the exercise intensity is 8mets (that is, the energy consumed during exercise is about 8 times of that at rest)


According to the standard set by the World Health Organization, if Asian’s BMI (body mass index) is higher than 22.9, it is considered overweight


The unit provided to indicate the intensity of physical activity is “Mets”


When people with poor physical fitness begin to exercise, it is appropriate to consume 100-200 kcal each time; when the physical fitness gradually improves, the energy consumption can be increased to 200-300 kcal each time; people with medium physical fitness consume 200-400 kcal each time; people with better physical fitness consume more than 400 kcal each time


2.2 analysis of body composition and weight loss mechanism weight is divided into lean weight and fat weight


1.2 duration exercise duration is negatively correlated with exercise intensity


Therefore, it is very necessary to reduce body fat content, change body composition and maintain body weight in a healthy state through aerobic exercise


HR during exercise is 120-150 times / m, and HR of high intensity aerobic exercise is also more than 150 times / m, and whether or not aerobic metabolism participates in partial energy supply


MetS is a unit that indicates how many times the intensity of physical activity is equivalent to that of rest


If he consumes 300 kcal, he needs to exercise 300 △ 10.8 = 28 min It’s good to lose weight and improve physical fitness


Exercise can also inhibit the increase in the number of fat cells caused by overeating and reduce the increase in the volume of fat cells; exercise can improve the resting metabolic rate (RMR), and the energy consumed by RMR accounts for 60% – 70% of the total energy consumption; exercise can change the hormone levels related to the regulation of energy metabolism in obese people, such as improving insulin sensitivity


General aerobic exercise intensity according to the maximum heart rate of 60% – 80%


Aerobic exercise, also known as aerobic metabolism exercise, refers to the aerobic metabolism of sugar and fat to provide energy


Generally speaking, running or walking 1600m can consume about 100 kcal, but energy consumption is affected by weight and speed


Obesity is thought to be caused by heredity, nutrition, lack of activity and other factors


By KingWay