Every runner has the same problem: why do you run? A hundred people have a hundred answers


For me personally, it’s a question I ask myself before almost every run in my advanced experience


In my opinion, it is a good moral character to form the habit of reflection


On the other hand, when you forget your original intention of running, you will be farther and farther away from your real running


We often say: keep the original heart or don’t forget the original heart, but everything in the world is changing all the time


How many people can keep the original heart or don’t forget the original heart? Therefore, there are countless people who run and forget why they ran


Even though running is my career from a certain point of view, I still ask myself this question


But I will often remind and advise people around me to always remember why they want to run


This is a very interesting and slightly embarrassing phenomenon


In general, it’s very important for you to really understand running and understand why you run


(to be continued).


For runners, to reflect on the purpose of running is actually the basis of your understanding of running


Of course, we are not qualified, and there is no need to judge the purpose of other people’s running


By KingWay