Xia Xiongfei / China Youth Daily on December 18, the Organizing Committee of the Guangzhou marathon announced that a man was banned from running the Guangzhou marathon for life for “rubbing” against the rules


Miao, the man who ran


According to the announcement, Miao entered the track illegally to participate in the 2020 Guangzhou marathon, which violated the relevant provisions of Article 12 of the competition rules of 2020 Guangzhou marathon


The organizing committee decided to ban the competition and report the decision to China Track and Field Association


This year, novel coronavirus pneumonia has been affected by many new marathon events


The reduction of the number of events makes it hard to get one ticket for popular events such as Shangma and guangma, so some people directly take the way of running


The so-called “rub run” means that runners enter the track illegally without qualification, do not wear or forge the number cloth, and mix with other competitors


Miao, the person involved in the race, must have loved the marathon, otherwise he would not have taken risks


But love is not an excuse to break the rules


Sports fans should be more aware of the rules


It’s not unfair that they are banned by the Organizing Committee for life for running against the rules


Such punishment is responsible for the parties and all participants, and it is also necessary to maintain the order of the competition


Guangma punishment notice


Marathon is very popular


It can be used as a high-intensity sport, and the threshold is not low


Nowadays, the most popular marathon events are often the events that choose the runners


In the registration stage of many events, competitors are required to provide the previous marathon completion certificate


On the one hand, it is to improve the overall level of the competitors, on the other hand, it is to ensure that the competitors have the ability to complete the event


At the same time, it also requires the competitors to promise that they have not suffered from congenital heart disease, hypertension and other diseases that are not suitable for the competition


These conditions seem harsh, but they are actually for the safety of the players


Without this audit, it is very likely that accidents such as injuries and even sudden death will occur


It can be seen that while the joggers break the rules, they are not responsible for their own life safety


Marathons generally provide insurance for all competitors and staff


Because the runners are not qualified through formal registration channels, they are not included in the insurance list


In case of an accident, they have to bear the consequences themselves


The result may be unimaginable


Compared with previous years, the running behavior under the normalization of epidemic prevention and control is particularly harmful


The safety of the event depends on the careful organization of the organizing committee, but it also depends on the active support and cooperation of all runners, such as truthfully providing nucleic acid test reports, reporting personal itinerary, not going to high-risk areas, etc


The organizer of the competition will require the contestants to provide the nucleic acid test negative report within a few days when they collect the goods, which can avoid the infection and transmission of the virus to the greatest extent


It is no doubt a time bomb that the runners can not provide nucleic acid test reports


If they carry the new coronavirus, not only all the efforts of the organizing committee will fall short, but also tens of thousands of runners and staff will be at risk of infection


I think this is also the reason why the organizing committee contacted Miao for nucleic acid test at the first time


Fortunately, the result was negative


This year’s marathon has been cancelled in a large area


It is not easy for some events to be held on the premise of ensuring safety


The majority of participants and fans should cherish it


Chang Chen, editor of this issue, recommended reading.


By KingWay