Four words are heartbreaking


At this time, our body is the easiest to consume energy continuously, and can keep exercising for a long time


If you want to reduce fat, jogging is recommended, because jogging takes a longer time, consumes more energy, and is more effective in fat consumption


Different running speeds have different effects on the body and produce different results


Fat lines, weight loss method is not suitable for themselves, weight loss process when fat when thin, may let your body produce a lot of ugly lines, this is fat lines


Third, 90% of the maximum heart rate is very fast, that is, sprint


The speed is relatively fast, and the energy consumed will be more distant, but our body can’t bear the intensity of long-term exercise


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Speaking of this, we must think why not run fast? Second, about 70% of the maximum heart rate


For people who often run, it’s not difficult to run four minutes per kilometer and keep running ten kilometers


Let’s talk about the specific steps slowly


The speed will not be very fast and everyone can bear it, but it takes more time to consume enough energy


When we are running, if our heart reaches 70% or 80% of the maximum heart rate, it is fast running


This is the method of judging by heart rate


The method is also very simple


First, when running, the heart rate is about 60% of the maximum heart rate


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Liu Dehua’s condition has been diagnosed, which is more serious than expected


In fast running, the body’s sugar consumption is intense, but the fat consumption rate will not be very intense


It is impossible for a regular runner to run at a pace of four minutes per kilometer, while a person who has no running experience also runs at a pace of four minutes per kilometer


When we insist on running, most people want to reduce fat, so what kind of speed should we run at? With this problem in mind, we can analyze the relationship between running speed and exercise effect


Controlling the speed of running has a great influence on the effect of running


We can practice sprinting when we develop explosive power, but don’t think about it when we reduce fat


——Wonderful recommendation: Yang Mi and Wei daxun’s official announcement on Weibo! At the end of the year, Liu Dehua was officially married, and all the stars in the circle expressed their blessing


Fat lines will make your skin flabby ugly, figure out of shape, simply dare not wear cool clothes, let alone show a good figure! How does fat line come into being? How to prevent obesity in normal times? Speed is very important when we insist on running


The speed of running varies from person to person


But for people who don’t often exercise, it’s really difficult to run four minutes per kilometer


But when we insist on jogging, at least we run for more than half an hour, so it is very difficult to keep the same pace for a long distance


No way, after all, the speed of running is not enough, so we have to spend more time to consume energy


At this time, we are jogging


No one should run like this often, except those who study sports


But we have a way to make sure that we are in aerobic state when jogging, which is very helpful for us to control the amount of exercise


On the contrary, the total energy consumed is much less


After all, everyone’s physical quality is different


The calculation is two hundred twenty minus age


When we are running, we need to know what our maximum heart rate is


When we are running, keeping our heart rate at 60% of the maximum heart rate is the most suitable speed for us to lose fat


Of course, if you only run one kilometer, you can still do it


Moreover, because the impact of fast running on the body is too big, there may be risks for some people who are not in good health


So we can’t ask everyone through a certain speed


The result is that when we run, we get tired quickly and can’t stick to it


By KingWay