We should be familiar with marathon


Maybe many people have participated in marathon, but do you know some common sense about marathon? 1


Pace: generally refers to the running time per kilometer


For example, if a five kilometer running training takes five minutes to complete at a constant pace per kilometer, then the whole training takes 25 minutes




Form: This is easy to understand


It refers to the body posture during running




Cadence: refers to the frequency of steps, the number of steps per minute


Research shows that the most effective step frequency is 180 steps




Pb / PR: personal best / record


Nothing is more exciting than creating Pb




Rabbit / rabbit: the leader in running events


Generally, they are volunteers


They have a good control of their own speed and rhythm


They play a leading role in the events and can help the participants improve their performance


There may be three hours, three and a half hours and four hours of rabbits in a marathon




Net Score / chiptime: in running events, all competitors will wear time chips


Net score refers to the score recorded by the chip


Why are net scores different from competition scores? Because there are a large number of participants in running activities, the starting time of competition results is based on the sound of the gun, while the time for each person to pass the starting line is different




Heart rate / BPM: beatsperminute


The number of beats per minute during a run




Anaerobic threshold (at): the more popular name is lactate threshold


It refers to the time when aerobic activity changes into anaerobic activity and lactic acid begins to accumulate in long-distance running


Reasonable training can improve anaerobic threshold and reduce the formation of lactic acid




Wear / chafing: wear of clothing and body caused by sweating during running




Iliotibial band syndrome / ITBs: the iliotibial band refers to the part of the leg from the outside of the knee, the outside of the thigh, under the buttock, to the outside of the knee, and the upper leg


ITBs refers to the injury and pain of this part




Hitting the wall: the feeling of being unable to move forward during running


There are many reasons, such as insufficient physical strength, running too fast, distance exceeding the usual amount of training and so on


Finally: marathon is an extreme sport, we must act according to our ability, step by step, scientific sports, scientific running, life is precious, and line and cherish! Disclaimer: we focus on sharing


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By KingWay