Others think that the gluteus maximus is very important


If you are not physically fit, every day If you are very sleepy and tired, many jobs will not come to you


When she tried a running camp, she found that not only running was very easy, but also the training plan was easy to complete without any psychological burden


The confidence brought by successful weight loss made Sun Yi have the idea of running again, which was almost impossible for her in the past


31 provinces, autonomous regions and cities (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) in China have held marathon and road running related events, with a total of 7.1256 million participants, and an average of 5 marathon events a day


Eggs, corn, prawns, vegetables, fruits, yogurt Sun Yi is very satisfied with the constantly renovated menu and the continuously reduced weight


The so-called “impossible” in his view is to break all the impossibilities


The concept of “fullness and thinness” emphasized in the training camp, that is, to give a set of scientific methods according to her personal situation, which can make her thin even if she is full every day, is particularly suitable for her


Cure what? “I want to cure everything


The reason why we like and can keep on doing sports is that we can get a sense of achievement and positive feedback here


Which muscle is the most important in a person’s body? The gym coach may tell you which position to practice


Insufficient cardiopulmonary function will lead to insufficient VO2max, and the direct consequence is that the risk of sudden death is very high


There will be no such state in 2020


What he wants to tell you is that if we can run scientifically and find the rhythm of running, then it’s OK to run five kilometers, ten kilometers or even half a horse


Especially after the epidemic, more Chinese people pay attention to physical exercise, and running is obviously the simplest, simplest and lowest threshold sport


I think that in the future China, running has the opportunity to keep pace with the status of the three major balls


Fitness many people’s goal is to practice abdominal muscles, but one or two months did not give up


“In the past, her wish was to lie down when she had money


Moreover, running is a kind of social interaction


From theory to practice, from psychology to physiology, until now, he has finally defined his position and set a seemingly grand goal: to be the best running group in China


The slogan is “coffee with wolfberry, you can get up early tomorrow.” but how can you get up early if you can’t sleep after drinking coffee? So what we hope is that we can develop our physical potential through exercise, and then have a higher quality of life


She began to feel sleepy when she went to scenic spots at night, and no one liked her.


This kind of fear of running was common, and even existed from the time they were studying – they racked their brains to skip the exercise between junior and senior high schools, and they were even in danger when they wanted to run


People around her obviously feel that she is much more cheerful than before, and her mood is adjusted very well


So, is this an entrepreneur with a hot head who plunges into the red sea of running industry? No, Zhang Zhanhui thinks that his field is actually a blue ocean


They told me that when I was 30 years old, it was not mental competition when I was about 40 years old


The changes in weight loss and exercise are obvious


According to Zhang Zhanhui, this is largely due to the fact that we have not been able to find our own running rhythm


“I have helped them feel happy


What he has to do is to lead ordinary people to run scientifically and systematically and cure them with running


At the same time, compared with fitness, running is easier to get positive feedback


Obviously, this state could not be brought up by health preservation


Later, she was the last one to travel


In 2019, China’s running circles can be described as “hot”


Especially after the epidemic, more Chinese people pay attention to physical exercise, and running is obviously the simplest, simplest and lowest threshold sport


So, back to the previous question, why did you choose to run in the end? “Some time ago, I read a book, and there was a very interesting passage:” in fact, all mental competition is physical competition, conversely, all physical competition is also mental competition


Some people think that the beauty and sexiness of the abdominal muscles are very important


But if more than 20 of you went to Taipei with me to do push ups, you would say that I was crazy, right


But running, you run three kilometers, five kilometers is achievement, there is a strong sense of achievement


Zhang Zhanhui, 36, has a very clear identity on his official account: “Zhang Zhanhui running coach.”


Before that, his shoulders, neck, waist and back will feel sore from time to time


When Sun Yi dropped from 170 Jin to 121 Jin, the little girl who was engaged in outbound tourism told herself secretly, “I feel right this time! Because of the impact of the epidemic, outbound travel has been completely suspended, so she has time to participate in this fat reduction training camp


Now I find that there are many ways to relieve pressure, so I can find a more satisfied life


But this year, especially when academician Zhong Nanshan received the prize, we all saw that he was walking like a meteor


It was also in this year that Zhang Zhanhui began his entrepreneurial experience


The 84 year old man looked like a man in his 30s and 40s


Physiologically, Sun Yi feels that his sleep quality has become very good and he is full of energy


It doesn’t matter if the buttocks and abdominal muscles are not good, but if the heart muscles are not good, there will be palpitations


There is no doubt about the popularity and popularity of running in today’s China


This is the inspiration brought by the easy running in the fat reduction training camp


Psychologically, she is more surprising


Many students who signed up for Zhang Zhanhui’s running training camp once felt disgusted when they ran


In Zhang Zhanhui’s case of ordinary people, his mother-in-law is very representative


There are 357 events certified by China Association of athletics


Just like our new shop in Tongrentang downstairs sells coffee and wolfberry


As a result, the more she lay down, the worse her health became


In fact, on the road of sports fitness and health management, Zhang Zhanhui spent nearly 10 years falling into and climbing out of almost all the pits


For example, last year I asked my friends to run a half marathon in Hangzhou, and I did get a lot of friends


“He said


In fact, for Zhang Zhanhui, the founder of impossible technology, the positive feedback of ordinary people is more important to him than that of celebrity students


From this point of view, running to exercise cardiopulmonary function is the most helpful exercise for health


She looked “smart” in what she wanted to eat and drink, but actually brought a lot of pressure to her body


In the third phase of the fat reduction training camp, she successfully lost 50 kg, but how to maintain this weight makes Sun Yi make a mistake


His student list is also very bright: Xu Xiaoping, fan Deng, Zhou hang, Zhang Quanling, tuobuhua, Pan Shiyi There is no doubt about the popularity and popularity of running in today’s China


They always felt that running 400 meters and 800 meters was the biggest disaster in their life


But we ignore the most important things in the body


What kind of life should ordinary people have after 30, 40 and 50? In the past, people thought that it was time to keep healthy after 30 or 40 years old, such as soaking wolfberry in a thermos cup


In 2014, when Yao Ming launched a running competition, he predicted: “running must be the first sport in the world, and any sport is based on running


“Many of my students are engaged in financial and economic activities


But in fact, most people have the potential to run


Because of the wrong concept and method of running, many people turn pale when talking about “running”


For them, this time to start fitness, there is more room for development


In fact, the most important muscle of the human body is the heart


She no longer wants to experience the painful process of losing a few pounds when she is hungry and then overeating


In her opinion, the most important thing is to learn “self-discipline”, because she used to feel stressed and indulgent


For example, he heard the most “I can’t run so far (so long)”


By KingWay