Or when you squat down, let your toes support the weight of your whole body, let your heels rise, press your legs with your thighs, and hold for 30 seconds; of course, you can also do the opposite action, that is, raise your toes, and let your heels touch the ground, which can also play the role of exercise


Squatting for 5 minutes every day is equal to running for half an hour


However, many people have no time for sports because of their busy life and work, so they are often in sub-health state


Joints become more flexible: in daily life, people often use squatting when they go to the toilet; now many people usually lie down and sit down


I believe many friends know that squatting for too long will lead to numbness and discomfort in both legs, but they don’t know that squatting for 5 minutes every day can also help exercise the joints of the body, keep the flexibility of the joints and slow down the joints The rate of aging


When the blood flow speeds up, it can indirectly reduce the blood viscosity


Speed up blood circulation: in daily life, people’s blood circulation function will gradually decline with age; we need to know that the body relies on blood to transport nutrients, so as to be able to maintain life activities


But in squatting, we need to pay attention to is, to let the feet apart, so as to be able to squat; then stand up, waist taut straight; only maintain such a movement, squatting will have effect; if you are more than 50 years old, then when you get up, you need to slow down, it is best to have someone beside you to help, to avoid the situation of getting up too fierce, from If your joints are not good, or your bones are weak, then you are not suitable for squatting


This kind of action is repeated five times, and it takes five minutes to run for half an hour, which is very beneficial to your health


Therefore, slowing blood circulation is not a good thing


In our daily life, we often say that life lies in sports, and we have been shouting the slogan of sports and fitness


They both praised the delicious food and advised everyone! Edible fungus with it to eat, a lifetime of thrombosis, “cancer cells” also hide! Remind everyone! Once “here” starts to hurt, nine out of ten are lung cancer, and most people ignore three situations.


If you persist for one month, these three benefits will come to you! Good effect of thin legs: in daily life, squatting mainly relies on the bending of two legs to support the whole body; and squatting up repeatedly can help to consume the body’s heat, promote metabolism and burn fat; if you can persist in practicing this movement for a month, you will find that your thighs are very thin; and your mental state will also change Become better, life will become more energetic, the body will become more healthy


I made four home cooked dishes, each of which could support the scene


The squatting posture is like going to the toilet, and then keep still for 1 minute


Stick to it for a period of time, and visit at the door! What is squatting? In daily life, the so-called squat movement, in fact, is squatting up, continuous repetition of this action, adhere to can play the purpose of health; and in our life, we often say that health first feet, squat movement can indirectly play the role of foot health maintenance; and squat movement although it is a very simple aerobic exercise, but still pay attention to; squat posture You can choose to lean against the back of the chair, and then squat down


Today’s hot recommendation, must see! Advise everyone! Chinese medicine said frankly: got diabetes, had better not touch three kinds of vegetables, ate the blood sugar affirmation high, admonishes the family! Green pepper can not eat, is equal to “chronic suicide”, love to eat green pepper people need to be careful to tell their parents! Cancer has been saved! A small cup every day can kill cancer cells in the body! It can excrete toxins in the body for 10 years! Tell your parents! After 50 years old, two seasonings to reduce consumption, is a bone injury weapon, often eat careful bones become “brittle” advice! 50 year old aunt hypertension for 10 years, but never take medicine, every day with it to drink, blood pressure is very stable, remind everyone! My son and classmates came home for dinner


Conclusion: the article is about the benefits of squatting, and squatting how to do related introduction; usually for no time for exercise friends, might as well try this action; not only can strengthen the body, but also can save time and money; especially for friends at work, often overtime friends, when feel tired, might as well squat for 5 minutes Can help the body relieve fatigue


Squatting for 5 minutes every day can help exercise the leg muscles of the body, keep the muscles tight, and help promote blood circulation


Squat down for 5 minutes every day, running for half an hour


By KingWay