If my cousin doesn’t bow his head when he comes into my house, he will inevitably meet his head


For those of us who are the same age as the disaster of the Republic, Party has become one of the most precious leisure and entertainment in our later life


Sedentary injury to the pancreas: when the diabetic cells are in idle muscle, the pancreas reacts slowly and easily produces more insulin, leading to diabetes


Sedentary, calcification accumulation in the artery, cause arteriosclerosis, every day more than 1 hour, the risk of coronary atherosclerosis increased by 12%


When Gao Gao’s cousin comes to visit my house, he always jokes: “it’s too tall, and it’s uncomfortable


After retirement, the experience of the ninth junior high school is more like school suspension, decentralization, going to the countryside, collective ownership, laid-off, business and fish stalls






This is the time when we need to bow our heads


At least our party is like this


Good night! @Every day before going to bed with you is so beautiful, good morning! Every day is so beautiful, good morning! Every day is so beautiful, good morning! Every day is so beautiful, good morning! Every day is so beautiful, good morning! Every day is so beautiful, good morning! Every day is so beautiful, good morning! Every day is so beautiful, good morning! Every day is so beautiful, good morning! Every day is so beautiful, good morning! Every day is so beautiful, good morning! Every day is so beautiful, good morning! Every day is so beautiful, good morning! Every day is so beautiful, good morning! Every day is so beautiful, good morning! Every day is so beautiful, good morning! If the old three experienced the fanaticism of the red guards, the passion of going to the remote frontier and the countryside


In real life, in the journey of realizing our beautiful ideals and lofty goals, sometimes we need to stride forward bravely; sometimes we need to bend down to cross the key threshold and achieve success


Long time sitting is a potential and terrible risk factor


Yan Shigui, director of Department of orthopedics, director of Institute of orthopedics, Professor, doctoral supervisor and chief physician of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Medical College of Zhejiang University


The strange shapes are full of mystery and temptation


Professor Yan Shigui, director of the Department of orthopedics of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Medical College of Zhejiang University, said: knee osteoarthritis is one of the common diseases in China, with a total prevalence rate of 15.6%


Brain injury caused by sedentary: the blood is concentrated in the lower limbs when the sitting posture is kept for 1 hour, the circulation function is weakened, the blood supply to the brain is insufficient, the oxygen is deficient, the dizziness is easy, the mood is low, and the thinking vitality is reduced, which is even an important factor of Alzheimer’s disease


If you don’t bow your head when you enter the cave, you will be met and even broken


Often my mother would say, “it’s because you’ve grown so tall that I can’t hold you.” I don’t know whether it’s praise or criticism, it always leads to bursts of laughter


The vicissitudes of time are gone, and the past is still years after years


Vascular injury caused by sedentary: arteriosclerosis, long-term sedentary, reduced fat burning, increased cholesterol, may block the heart and blood vessels, increase cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases


The party has nothing to do with who succeeds and who is mediocre, but it needs a little taste of money; it’s used to raise money for pleasure


In the 2016 edition of the guidelines issued by the American Diabetes Association, it is clearly pointed out that all people should reduce their sedentary time, especially to avoid more than 90 minutes of sedentary time.


Knee osteoarthritis is the second highest disability disease in the world


The harm of sedentary is not only knee injury, but also head to foot injury


The caves are lower than ordinary people


It’s the same with small things


It can also lead to insufficient blood supply to the brain, which can damage the brain




In the population over 50 years old, the prevalence rate of knee osteoarthritis is doubling in 10 years


Sedentary bone injury: neck, shoulder and back pain (photo source: visual China) neck, shoulder and back in a tense fixed position for a long time will not only lead to poor local blood circulation, but also lead to neck, shoulder and back stiffness, acid swelling pain, headache and cervical spondylosis


Sedentary, leg muscle contraction decreased, lower limb blood flow slowed down, increase the incidence of thrombosis




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(article reading website: www.sanwen.net )These seem to be the most common things in life, but it shows a truth


So we meet the educated youth not only on the road, but in the heart, but also in the soul


Are you an emotional woman? Every night at 9:30, I will be here with you


In fact, people who like parties need a joy, care about a once


How can he go in with his head lowered for the kind of laughter? I remember when I visited Shilin and Guilin a few years ago, I came across beautiful and natural caves


02, sedentary sad: heart function decline, sedentary will lead to slow blood circulation, will make the heart function decline, cause myocardial atrophy


06, sedentary lung injury: affect the cardiopulmonary blood supply, sedentary exercise is small, the lungs can not get effective exercise, will affect the cardiopulmonary blood supply


Think about that year, when the morning was covered with cold dew and the evening was frosted, the rice flowers in the fields were fragrant


The risk of deep venous thrombosis of lower extremities is increased by 2 times for people who sit for more than 3 hours every day


Long term sedentary increases the risk of type 2 diabetes by 112%


Emphysema, infection and other common pulmonary diseases in the elderly are mostly related to the decrease of lung function


If you don’t go in, you don’t know what scenery and peculiar structure there are, and sometimes you will feel sorry


The risk of pulmonary embolism is increased for people who sit for more than 12 hours continuously, especially for middle-aged and elderly people with high blood lipid and high blood viscosity


Although we have already faded the color of “educated youth”, we have the same experience, common memories; that year, that month, that day, are so unforgettable


The prevalence rate of knee osteoarthritis increases with age


He has caused a little pain, and others are also uncomfortable


After autumn and winter, the days when rape flowers turn yellow to the sunset, and the innocent friendship formed when young and casual, the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of retirement, how can one not recall it


According to the Journal of orthopedics and sports physical therapy in June 2017, the incidence of arthritis in fitness runners is 3.5%, while that in sedentary people is 10.2%


Sedentary blood circulation slows down


Sedentary: dizziness and dizziness


Wise men know that only those who can be low can be high, and those who can bend can be stretched


Long term sedentary, reduce fat burning, cholesterol increase, may block the heart, blood vessels, increase cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases


When he comes to anyone’s home, he has to lower his head to get in.” Then he lowered his head and stepped into the threshold


Is it surprising to see this data? Every day I sit and brush wechat, watch TV, eat, read newspapers and play cards At the end of the day, it seems that the body is very relaxed, but over time, the joints will be as rigid as rusty machine bearings


Sedentary, calcification accumulation in the artery, cause arteriosclerosis, every day more than 1 hour, the risk of coronary atherosclerosis increased by 12%


The World Health Organization has long listed “sedentary” as one of the top ten leading causes of death and disease


At this time, no matter how prominent and rich people are, they all lower their expensive heads and bend down their most expensive waist to explore the scenery in the cave


Every age has the most precious things of every age, and every age of a person also has the most precious things of every age


For the middle-aged and old people suffering from arteriosclerosis, sedentary blood circulation is slow, which can also induce myocardial infarction and cerebral thrombosis


It is manifested as body fatigue and mental fatigue, and dizziness and other symptoms




Sedentary movement is very close to death, which is deeply affected from head to foot


By KingWay