When I was brushing Zhihu, I was suddenly pushed several discussions about hip pain after running: in fact, at first glance, the amount of running of these two runners is not very large, and it is reasonable to take a break after running


Then why do they still have hip pain? Now we will analyze it in detail


Of course, we will also list the training methods for improvement


How important is the hip? The hip is an important joint connecting the trunk and lower limbs, and it is also the joint with the most body weight and stress


Its main structure is pelvis, hip joint, sacroiliac joint, and it is connected with femur and spine


Because the pelvis is located in the center of the human body, it not only supports the upright stability of the human body, but also coordinates the body center of gravity in the process of movement


▲ Photoviaorthonow.com The importance of pelvic position and hip joint stability is very important for the whole person’s movement


The pelvis is in the center of the human body, and the pelvic instability can affect the scapula upward and the ankle stability downward


The basic posture of running is the movement of one foot landing without stopping exchange, and the core of its movement chain is the correct position of pelvis


Imagine if the pelvis dislocation, in the process of long-distance running is equivalent to repeatedly repeating the wrong posture, the pain should be produced


In fact, the most important muscle to fix the pelvis is the gluteus medius


In recent years, the importance of gluteus medius has been put on the agenda of sports science


In the past, athletes with patellofemoral pain syndrome are always considered that the quadriceps is not strong enough to cause the patella displacement force line is not correct


But more and more scientific research shows that the weakness of gluteus medius has more serious impact on the knee joint and even ankle joint than the weakness of quadriceps


▲Ph otoviapeakfitnessnow.com The reason is not complicated


The function of the gluteus medius is to stabilize the pelvis and make the hip joint move in all directions except adduction


When the muscles that stabilize the hip joint are weak, the task of stabilizing the pelvis requires the muscles of the knee joint and the lateral femur


That is to say, when your gluteus medius is weak, go running


The force that gluteus medius can’t bear is transmitted downward by the knee joint


Naturally, all kinds of problems will appear in the knee joint


Common hip injuries for runners, the most common hip injuries include: > > > synovitis


If you feel numbness or pain on the outside of the hip joint during or after running, your hip joint may have bursitis


>>>>Stress fracture if a runner has been running on a hard road such as concrete or asphalt for a long time (without interruption), he will suffer from pain in the deep buttocks, which is likely to cause stress fracture in your hip joint


>>>>Iliotibial tract friction syndrome if you often run on the road or suburban path, the pressure direction of the foot when landing remains unchanged, which will cause pain on the outside of the knee, you may suffer from iliotibial tract friction syndrome


>>>>When one or more flexors of the hip are stretched or torn, flexor strain of the hip will occur


There are many reasons for hip injury, one of which is the strain of hip joint caused by overuse


The same is true for runners, because the steep increase in training volume is the main cause of almost all sports injuries


If a healthy runner who often runs 5km suddenly challenges the 42.195km marathon, he will not have the ladder type physical growth, in exchange for excessive fatigue of muscles and joints and muscle fiber damage


The lack of core and hip strength is also one of the reasons


Although the hip is a joint, not a muscle group, there is no so-called “hip strength”, but the movement of the hip is driven by a series of core muscle groups around


This is why many scientific data encourage athletes to implement strength training, through which they can effectively increase muscle strength and muscle fiber density


Strong muscle strength can support the increase of training volume and intensity


“Many years ago, my fitness coach said that I not only had weak hip and hip muscles, but also had problems with my posture when I was running, which surprised me,” said Toni dauwalter, a physical therapist Dauwalter didn’t follow the coach’s advice, so he finally got injured six months later and had to stop training for four months because of severe iliotibial band syndrome


Her coach later explained to her: “because your hip and hip muscles were not particularly weak at that time, so you could ensure that there were no injuries in short distance training and competitions


But then you started to participate in the super marathon


With the increase of distance, the accumulation of minor injuries finally broke out, leading to such serious consequences.” In addition, incorrect running posture can easily lead to hip injury


As we said earlier, the hip determines your center of gravity


When your center of gravity is not stable enough or fluctuates too much, including the left-right shaking and arm swinging that we often see, it not only increases the unnecessary energy loss, but also increases your landing impact force and the load borne by your muscles and joints


Therefore, in order to prevent hip injury, strengthening and stretching the hip flexor is the key


Of course, there are hip and core strength training


Because of the particularity of the hip joint, it is difficult for general strength training to really reach the hip


Only when the two sides of the hip bend and stretch alternately (running, high leg running, step jumping and other movements), the hip joint power mode will be activated


So we recommend a few exercises for your reference: > > > run on the wall with both hands} this motion picture is from the 30 day strength training program, hold the wall with both hands, keep the balance between the trunk and the wall, run on the ground for 30 seconds


>>>>Raise your hind foot 90 degrees and bend your body} this motion picture is from the 30 day strength training program, standing with one foot on the ground and your body straight


Bend your body forward, lift your hind feet and straighten your body


The trunk is T-shaped


Repeat 10 times, change feet, continue 10 times


>>>>Single hand and single foot support this motion picture comes from the 30 day strength training program, lying prone, hands supporting on the ground, shoulders and elbows perpendicular to the ground, feet stepping on the ground, body off the ground, trunk straight, head, shoulder, hip and ankle keep in the same plane


Then lift your right hand and your left leg


Hold for 30 seconds, then change left hand and right leg, repeat


#Come to the comments section to talk about “have you ever had a pain in the butt?”? Do you usually do strength training? 」。


By KingWay