Yesterday, Japan’s Hakone Posthouse miraculously ended, and Kuzawa University miraculously realized the anti super at the last 3km


Although watching the live broadcast across the screen, the commentator’s excited explanation makes people feel like they are on the spot


The domestic marathon commentary is mostly make complaints about it


Speaking of the marathon live broadcast in China, Xiangbi fans feel that they are better than “commentators”


The aerial photos of the track, together with the commentator’s interpretation of the city’s scenic spots, can be regarded as the standard for the live broadcast of Marathon events in China


The camera is only for the first group


Most of the time, it shows the city scenic spots


A marathon live broadcast becomes a proper city scenery film


Of course, most of the time, which city can show its style for two hours in a row on CCTV? I’m afraid it’s just a marathon


Friends who have watched the marathon live show all know that in the 42.195km full marathon, it is difficult for elite athletes to tell the difference with their naked eyes


During the nearly three hours of live broadcast, only the scenery of the nearby track is changing


It’s not surprising that the marathon live broadcast is “boring”


At this time, the commentary is particularly important


How to read the competition, interpret the athletes and analyze the tactics is not a matter of simply reporting the name


But the marathon live commentary in China has been criticized


The recent big event, the Guangzhou marathon in mid December, was criticized for its live commentary


On that day, the temperature reached 19 degrees at the start of the race, so it was a bit difficult to get good results


As a result, the commentator said, “in fact, in this weather, you should wear a cotton T-shirt to run instead of a fast drying and breathable one.” I????? This commentator has run the whole horse


In addition, Jia orenga’s and Wu Xiangdong’s Pb are still a year ago


Although some of them are the pots with wrong subtitles, they can be broadcast live


As long as you search (or look at the big bang of runaway), you will know that Jia orenga just started Pb half a month ago


For a while, Pb is 213, for another, it is 215


In the whole explanation, the Pb, name and recent performance of elite athletes are very confused


Of course, maybe the commentators of the marathon live broadcast are not completely professional marathon runners, and they don’t know enough about these elite athletes and marathon events at home and abroad


But at least after receiving the task of live broadcast commentator, we can turn over the media manual and search the names of these elite athletes


These simple mistakes can be avoided


Before the competition, we should carefully do the explanation homework


We don’t have to introduce the city scenery 70% of the time in the whole competition, and the rest 30% introduce the athletes, which is full of mistakes


In addition, it is also a “feature” to hold the contestants to interview at the edge of the track


In one race, the host asked a serious runner, “do you have any goals for this race?” “I think Pb,” the barrage said, “there’s no hope for you to interview Pb again.” Who is watching the marathon live? A marathon can be broadcast live, even on CCTV, without the support of the government


What is the starting point of the government? Is it for a small group of elite athletes? Of course not


The purpose of Marathon live broadcasting is to promote the development of urban tourism, or to treat it as a mass sport


From this point of view, it’s not surprising that most of the marathon live shows introduce city attractions


Who are the people watching the marathon live? In addition to being marathon enthusiasts, if you don’t win the lottery, you can only watch the runners who have watched live


I’m afraid we are the only media editors


Obviously, the actual audience, watching the live broadcast is not to see the city propaganda film, but to get some professional information about the events and athletes


But in fact, from a live broadcast, the only useful information is the clock results that appear every 5km


After watching the live broadcast of many marathons in China, to tell you the truth, most of the time, the commentators just follow the BGM who wrote the draft, because there is really no useful information


It’s better to brush the microblog, and all the netizens are commentators


Most of the marathon commentary teams are composed of sports presenters and local TV presenters


The live broadcast shows all the city scenic spots that the track passes, and they begin to read manuscripts, from history and culture to modern civilization


The champion is almost on the line, and the commentator is still introducing the scenery of the track


If you are not familiar with elite athletes or marathon events and athletes’ performance, it may be a bit demanding to be comprehensive in live commentary, but it is not too demanding to ensure that there are no mistakes in the minimum name and performance


If you look at the number cloth, you can avoid such low-level mistakes as wrong names


In the preparation stage before the start, simply introduce the contestants’ lineup, not just read the list in the competition manual, so that Peng Jianhua Mingming won’t run in the next half horse, while the commentary of guangma has been saying that it is estimated that Nanma will not recover from the race and will run behind


Microblog brush, this information is still very easy to know


What kind of Marathon commentary should be? In fact, we should distinguish whether the marathon live broadcast is for the public or for the runners


If it’s for the public, it seems that the Organizing Committee of the event has spent money to introduce the scenic spots along the road and develop the tourism industry


If it is for professional runners, of course, it is to provide comprehensive and systematic information for the audience


Should marathon be a mass sports event participated by the whole people, or a competitive sport of elite athletes PK? If you look at the problem from different angles, you may have different answers


But the most basic thing is the accuracy of the information


How to achieve the compatibility of the two is also a problem we need to think about


In fact, the domestic marathon live broadcast has also made innovations and changes


Last year when we watched the competition, we should make complaints about the domestic competitions in Tucao


There will be split screens in foreign countries


This year, many competitions have seen the split screen of men and women athletes, the running posture comparison of 10km and 30km athletes, and the leading group and chasing group appear on the screen


The marathon in China is booming, and the live broadcast is also improving


So, how can it be better?.


By KingWay