In the era of big data, many sports apps, such as keep, yuepaoquan, Gudong, can record the data of running, such as distance, time, pace, heat consumption, altitude, temperature, humidity, etc I think the most important of these data is heart rate, which is one of the most important indicators to measure the quality of running


It can reflect the training situation of runners, guide them to train with different intensities, prevent overtraining, and avoid dangerous situations


Heart rate: heart rate refers to the frequency of heart beat, normal people calm 60 to 100 times per minute, exercise heart rate will accelerate


Athletes with better cardiopulmonary function usually have lower heart rate because the cardiovascular system can complete a blood circulation more efficiently than normal people


Maximum heart rate: it refers to the maximum heart rate per minute under the condition of intense exercise


The heart rate during exercise should not exceed this value, otherwise it may endanger life


My maximum heart rate is about 181


In the first few months of running, my heart rate often exceeds 181


At this time, the sports watch will warn me that I will slow down and let my heart rate fall down


Due to age, health, exercise habits and other factors, we can apply the formula “220 age” to estimate our maximum heart rate, that is, with the increase of age, the maximum heart rate will decrease


After each run, record the pace, heart rate and distance, and keep running day after day, year after year


You will find that the data will change dramatically, which is also the motivation for runners to continue running


Senior runners are generally able to maintain a low heart rate at a high pace, which is also the goal of many runners


If you find it troublesome to wear a watch to monitor your heart rate, you can feel your breathing, judge your body’s endurance and adjust your rhythm


Running slightly sweating, but also more relaxed to speak, breathing, pace and other stable, is the best fat burning heart rate state; on the contrary, running out of breath, shortness of breath, unstable step, is running too fast, should be appropriate to slow down, let the heart rate back to the best fat burning range..


By KingWay