click ☝ Blue word, focus on Hui run waist and abdomen, because it is close to the center of our body, so it is called core


Core here is a term of orientation, core strength actually refers to waist and abdomen strength


Of course, the modern core strength training is different from the traditional waist and abdomen training


On the one hand, we are still carrying out traditional waist and abdomen training such as abdominal roll, on the other hand, core training methods such as plate support are also widely practiced by the public


What exactly is the core? There are broad and narrow senses about which parts the core includes


Broad sense: the whole trunk below the shoulder joint and above the hip joint can be called the core, that is, except for the limbs and head, the whole trunk can be called the core


Narrow sense: the core refers to the structure of lumbar spine pelvis hip joint


So how can we maintain core stability? If the waist and abdomen as a square house


So it’s muscles that build the roof, the floor and the front, back, left and right walls of the house


The strength produced by these muscles, of course, is the core strength


The better the core strength is, the more solid the house will be, the more airtight, the more stable and powerful it will be


Among them, the core muscles are not only shallow muscles, but also deep muscles


What roles do they play? Let’s go on


Core competence actually includes core strength and core stability


The muscles around the waist and abdomen make up the core group


They work together to make the core stable and energetic


Stability represents stability, strength represents strength


Therefore, the real core competence consists of core stability and core strength


Core stability mainly depends on the deep muscles of the waist and abdomen, while core strength mainly depends on the superficial muscles of the waist and abdomen


The two complement each other


The enhancement of core strength is conducive to the improvement of stability, and the improvement of core stability is also conducive to the exertion of core strength


The two complement each other and play the role of 1 + 1 > 2


Traditional waist and abdomen exercises such as sit ups mainly exercise the superficial muscles of waist and abdomen in order to enhance the core strength


When we complete the large-scale movement of trunk, we need the core strength


The static exercises such as plate support mainly exercise the deep muscles of waist and abdomen in order to enhance the core stability


The so-called stability refers to the ability of the trunk to keep fixed against external forces


Running needs enough core strength, which can make the trunk move a lot


But keeping the trunk still during running means that there is no need to do traditional waist and abdomen exercises such as sit ups? Of course not


Traditional waist and abdomen exercises can provide the most basic protection for the trunk


For example, the balance of the strength of the antagonistic muscles of abdominal and dorsal muscles can achieve the most basic trunk integrity


In running, some common mistakes in running posture are often related to the lack of waist and abdomen strength


For example, the body backward running indicates that the strength of the upper abdominal muscles is not enough


The function of the upper abdominal muscles is to make the trunk bend forward


If the strength of the front and rear sides of the trunk is not balanced, and the front side is too weak, the trunk is easy to backward


In this case, you need to strengthen the abdominal muscle training


For another example, when some runners swing their pelvis up and down in the process of running, it is often because the muscles on both sides of the trunk and maintaining the stability of the pelvis are too little trained, which makes the pelvis unstable


Running needs more core stability


Core stability refers to the ability of the trunk to resist external forces and keep fixed


The static action of half plate support belongs to the core stability exercise


When doing supine exercises, we will soon feel the burning feeling of superficial abdominal muscles, while when doing flat support, the burning feeling caused by continuous muscle contraction obviously occurs in the deeper parts of the body, which is due to the differences brought about by training muscles in different parts of the waist and abdomen


If we only do sit ups in waist and abdomen training, it is difficult to exercise the deep muscles of waist and abdomen, so this kind of waist and abdomen training is not balanced


Now we pay more attention to plate support practice, because it can make the waist and abdomen training more comprehensive and make up for the shortcomings of traditional waist and abdomen training


In this sense, plate support is an improvement of waist and abdomen training


But flat support also has defects, such as easy to make the shoulder waist pressure is too large, static exercise is easy to cause blood pressure rise, rigid and boring


Dynamic core stability is the special core ability that running really needs


Just now, we said that traditional waist and abdomen exercises can enhance the core strength, while plate support can enhance the core stability


These are all required by running, but we say that they belong to the basic core strength, not the special core strength of running steps


What is the core strength of running? The so-called special training refers to the movement characteristics of the body during running


It is the real special training for running to thoroughly study the running movement and train the movement mode during running through special and simulated running movements


To put it bluntly, the core training combined with running is the special core training


So how does the trunk move during running? In running, the lower limbs through the hip muscles, thigh muscles before and after the group, calf muscles alternately coordinated contraction, complete the kick to swing the leg action; the upper arm is mainly to maintain balance, while the trunk in running to maintain a tight and stable state, the purpose is to provide strong support for the lower limbs and upper limbs


Therefore, we can clearly find that when running, the trunk remains relatively motionless, while the upper and lower limbs take the trunk as the fulcrum and constantly swing back and forth, which is the core performance of running


Of course, if you lean down, the trunk will not be motionless during running


With the process of swinging arms and legs, the trunk can rotate slightly to the left and right


This moderate rotation can also increase the whipping force, promote the transmission of upper and lower limb forces, so as to assist in exerting force


However, the trunk is not allowed to move forward, backward or laterally during running, such as forward, backward or roll


Dynamic core stability training is the core training of running


Therefore, the best core training of running is neither the practice of plate support nor the traditional waist and abdomen exercise of sit ups


It is to simulate the arm and leg swinging movement of running under the condition of maintaining the core stability, that is, to change the rigid static plate support into dynamic plate support, and the movement is highly connected At this time, running core training is specialized enough! The ordinary plate support and traditional waist and abdomen training are not unimportant, they belong to the basic core strength, from basic to special, the idea of core training is so out


The basic core training for junior and intermediate runners includes core stability training and core strength training


That’s the traditional waist and abdomen training and plate support training we do




In basic core strength training, psoas and abdominal muscles not only include rectus abdominis in front of the trunk, but also include internal and external oblique muscles in front of the trunk, quadratus psoas on both sides of the trunk and erector spinae muscles in the rear of the trunk


For all these muscles training is a comprehensive waist and abdomen training


As soon as the runners do the traditional waist abdominal exercise, they think that the most important thing they can do is sit ups


This exercise mainly exercises the upper abdominal muscles, that is, the upper part of the six abdominal muscles


This kind of training is obviously unbalanced and incomplete


Upper abdominal muscle training should be carried out for both the left and right muscles in the front and back of the trunk – abdominal roll should be carried out instead of sit ups


In sit ups, the trunk is often raised too high, which will lead to excessive pressure on the lumbar spine


If you still drag your head with your hand, it will further increase the pressure on the cervical spine


In fact, the second half of sit ups is no longer abdominal muscle strength, so sit ups are not the most important part of upper abdominal muscle training It’s better to roll your belly


Although it seems that the range is not as good as sit ups, the effect is more significant due to the targeted training of upper abdominal muscles.


By KingWay