The human body starts from the shape of the fetus, and organs develop, grow and finally mature


There is no perpetual motion machine in the world


Everything will grow old one day, and so will organs


The disease of the human body often starts from an organ or a tissue, and then affects the whole body to have pain, soreness and other discomfort, and the health of every organ of the human body is threatened by the “fatal killer”


Many scientists have long-term follow-up studies show that the benefits of running go far beyond what you can see in your eyes


It can even cure many diseases more than drugs


Those who regularly run have slower brain shrinkage and faster thinking, and those who run 20 kilometers a week are 8 years younger than their sedentary peers in physiology, muscle and bone


By the age of 70, you will have a 45 year old body, and will always be 25 years younger than your actual age


Your brain will be younger, too


Running also makes people healthier and live longer


Sweating you will find that a better life beckons to you


Some people think that with the growth of age, all functions of the body are gradually declining


But in fact, our bodies have been longing for rebirth


A healthy and balanced body will bring us endless energy and make us live better


Now these elderly people are living in a different state


Because of all kinds of opportunities, they started running


They have persisted for many years and gradually become a part of their life


Now they are strong and hale


Although their hair is gray, their faces are red and full of vitality


They run for nothing but health


As long as you have two legs, you’ll keep running


01 Zhong Nanshan: he advocates jogging to keep healthy


The most popular regimen of academician Zhong Nanshan is exercise


He has been practicing it and has been exercising for a long time


At the age of 83, Zhong Nanshan is tall and strong


His physical condition is not inferior to that of the young people around him


He is not like an old man


Hale and hearty, full of energy and passion, he seems to be less than 60 years old


Academician Zhong Nanshan once said: “exercise, like eating, is a part of life – the main purpose of strength training is muscle function, and the maintenance and improvement of cardiopulmonary function depends on endurance training.” That’s why academician Zhong Nanshan has always insisted on running, and is also one of the admirers of walking and jogging


In Zhong Lao’s family gym, the use rate of treadmill is the highest – every time he exercises, Zhong Nanshan puts on his sports vest, walks and jogs on the treadmill first, and then carries out other training processes


Zhong Nanshan once expressed his concern and love for marathons


“I used to run in the middle distance


I had the habit of running 70 years ago


Of course, when I was young, I used to run as a competitive sport


When I was old, I would jog to keep fit


I haven’t run a full or half marathon myself, but I often run about 5km Although sports have been on the same day for decades, academician Zhong Nanshan never insists on the amount of exercise he must do


“When he finishes his goal, he will not do it


It’s not that he can’t do it any more, but that he can do it just enough


It’s very important for me to maintain my physical fitness at my age in order to strengthen my physique.” 02 Baima “Xiao Liu”: Liu Yongren, who is 50 years old, 20 years old and 81 years old, can be regarded as a legend of Xiamen horse running circle


He was given the nickname “Xiamen Iron Man”


He started running at the age of 13


He has won many middle and long-distance running Championships and set many records


He took part in the marathon for the first time in 2003


So far, he has completed 109 full marathons and 105 half marathons (the data has been updated)


At the 2020 Xiamen marathon, he was wearing a white T-shirt with a bright red print on the back, which was particularly eye-catching: 80 year old Xiamen City “hundred horse Xiao Liu”, Liu Yongren finished 109 full races and 84 half races


In this Xiamen horse race, he successfully completed his all horse challenge, adding another match to the number of all horse races




Liu has been running for more than 60 years


From the photos, he doesn’t look like an 80 year old man


He is hale and hearty and strong


This is the benefit of running all the year round


In addition, Mr


Liu has a quick mind


He once said, “don’t treat me as an old man


I’ve spent more than 60 years training myself to be a” middle-aged man



And he has become a circle runner


He often answers media interviews with witty remarks


Their evaluation of Liu is: “90 years old, 50 years old body, 20 years old mentality.” Liu Yongren, whose strength and appearance are not in line with his age, is often mistaken for lying about his age in the competition, which makes him unable to laugh or cry


So now, every time he takes part in the competition, he has to bring his own banner and report to his family “Xiamen 75 year old middle-aged man Liu Yongren”


Long distance running for more than 60 years, Liu said: my greatest happiness is running! If one day I can’t run the whole course, I’ll run half way


If I can’t run half way, I’ll run 10km


If I can’t, I’ll run 5km


If I’m alive, I’ll charge! When talking about how to deal with injuries after running for such a long time, Liu said: “give up when you should, but you must remember to start again


Every time I was injured, I would let myself rest for about 3 days, and then insist on starting from scratch, increasing the amount of training moderately every day


With this method, I became the longest running iron man


03 Chen Jinzhong: running a horse is a test of physical condition


On November 8, at the 2020 Xi’an International Marathon, 81 year old Chen Jinzhong was wearing a dress with the words “I’m in front of you, my life is endless, and I can’t stop running!” T-shirt inspired many young people around him


Finally, Chen finished the marathon in 6 hours and 14 minutes, and countless people cheered him




Chen has participated in 15 full marathons


This is the fourth consecutive year that he has participated in the Xi’an marathon


He began to practice long-distance running in 2011 and started running in 2012


The first marathon he participated in was Xiamen marathon in 2012


At that time, his finishing score was 6 hours and 45 minutes


In 2015, with the consent of his family, Mr


Chen began training under the guidance of professional coaches


It is Chen Jinzhong’s love and persistence of running that has attracted many people’s attention and become an example for many young people


Chen said: “running a marathon is a test of one’s physical condition; a test of one’s willpower; and a special enjoyment of the process


I’m 80 years old, and I’m still ahead of him, so I’ll drive some young people to run down


Persistence is victory


” At the beginning, Chen always began to run under the influence of her daughter


As a nurse’s daughter, she would rather Chen invest more in physical exercise than spend money on hospital bed


Therefore, her encouragement made me stick to it


After day-to-day training, Chen can still keep on running at an old age


Originally, Suxiao Jiuxin Pill was not separated from his body


Now these diseases are gone


Once you are in good health, you can eat well and sleep soundly without causing trouble to your children


The above heroes are all white haired grandfathers who have been running for many years, but they are strong and vigorous, and they are all true runners


It is these “hard core” old people who can make the function and significance of running more and more recognized by more and more people


Running not only makes him have a healthy body, but also has a completely different meaning for life


For us ordinary runners, the process of running is not accompanied by the magic story of breaking all kinds of records, but seemingly ordinary persistence will become a source of constant energy and self-confidence in a few years.


By KingWay