Running is a sport, a skill and a philosophy


Writing / running editor / wicker production / macondor running lab running is a very popular sport for everyone


Running is a simple sport


As long as you have a pair of running shoes, you can run


Running is not a simple sport, because it needs long-term persistence, and only by persisting in running, can you see the great benefits brought by running


Although everyone’s original intention of running is different, only when you run long enough can you understand the following seven principles


Injuries are often caused by insufficient physical strength


When you run long enough, you will have a new understanding of running


For example, strength training is essential


In many runners’ subconscious, they are against strength training


They think that the more they run, the faster they can run


Moreover, if the time of strength training is increased, the running time will be reduced


In fact, this idea is wrong


Although running is not like football, basketball and other antagonistic sports, it requires high physical fitness, but if there is no strong enough body as support, it not only can not run fast, but also easy to get injured


It’s easy to understand


Strong muscle strength can help you improve your stability and prevent excessive rotation


When we run, we only have one leg on the ground at the same time, which puts a lot of pressure on our ankles, knees and hips


If the strength and stability of these parts are not enough, it may lead to excessive rotation of the joint, leading to “running knee” and other common injuries


If your core is strong enough, you will be more able to withstand the day-to-day impact of your feet and the ground, and your risk of injury will be greatly reduced


So you need to improve your muscle strength through strength training, so as to reduce sports injury


In addition to reducing injuries, strength training also allows you to run naturally, easily and permanently


If you want to run well, you must run naturally


First of all, the landing of feet should be light, the contact time between feet and the ground should be short, and the sound should be small


Keep head up, shoulders swing naturally with the body, and then thighs drive legs to swing naturally


Core muscles provide the body’s stability, explosive power and muscle endurance, so that you can step out of every step more lightly when running


Running is a repeated and lasting sport, so if you want to keep good running posture for a long time, you need strong core strength support


02 the amount of running is important, the amount of running is more important, the quality of running does not mean good


Many runners will keep up with each other in running volume


It’s true that piling up running volume can make you finish the race well, but those rational runners pay more attention to running quality than running quantity


Moreover, when they choose to compete, they will only run a few key races, and then adjust their best state to the race day through training


Even professional athletes can not always be at the peak of competitive state, and it is unrealistic to participate in every competition


Experienced runners don’t run just to brush the amount of run


When you start to pay attention to the quality of running, you will find that training will become more efficient for you


Of course, for everyone, what kind of pace is high-quality training, we need to summarize and explore


Remember: don’t count the number of runs, but the quality of the runs


The poor performance of the 03 marathon is often due to the lack of long-distance running


Many runners fail to achieve ideal results in the marathon


One of the major reasons is the lack of endurance


To improve the endurance level, the most important training content is long-distance running


So to improve your endurance level, which is aerobic ability, you need to run longer distances


Even if you don’t practice speed and just rely on aerobic training, you can still run a good result


The advantages of long-distance training mainly include the following three aspects: 1


Although the training intensity is relatively low, it can improve the muscle’s ability to use oxygen; moreover, under this intensity, the fatigue of human muscles and cardiopulmonary system is relatively light, and the pressure and pain in training are relatively small, which can ensure the completion of the training, so as to lay a solid foundation for aerobic ability




It can exercise muscle endurance


One of the main reasons for the speed drop and cramp after marathon is the lack of muscle endurance, which has nothing to do with energy exhaustion, but the fatigue caused by the repeated contraction of muscle itself, and the disorder of excitation contraction coupling function


Running long distances is a good way to train this ability




The ability of fat burning can be greatly trained, so as to improve the proportion of fat energy supply, which is very important for endurance sports such as marathon


But when many runners hear that they want to run a long distance, they refuse


It’s terrible to think about 30 kilometers


In fact, the best way to run a long distance is to run according to the time


Each long distance training should be controlled within 2.5 hours, which will prevent you from over training, leading to fatigue or injury, affecting the training next week


Only if you sleep well, can you practice well


When you finish running, especially after a speed training or long-distance training, slightly torn muscles, long-term stressed joints and exhausted energy system need to be restored and relaxed


So the first time you should replenish water and nutrition, then stretch muscles, massage, ice compress, sleep and wait


When you increase the amount of running, you need to consider the endurance of your body


High intensity training again and again, and did not let the body recover, then the injury will be inevitable


Professional athletes will pay more attention to rest, especially after a hard training, so as to ensure that they can train normally the next day


And professional athletes pay special attention to sleep, because sleep is the best means of recovery


It is recommended that every additional hour of training, one more hour of sleep


Recovery is no less important than running training, because there is no improvement without recovery


05 the pursuit of speed, often counterproductive, running is a speed game, so the pursuit of speed is not wrong


But often many runners in the pursuit of speed at the same time forget the original intention of running


In the first days of running, you were eager to run every day


If you had nothing to do, you would run intermittently


However, this would often make you sick and wounded


Xiaobian himself had such a period of crazy training


In order to improve his performance, he tried his best to train


As a result, he was injured and had to stop running for a month


The improvement of speed is not overnight, you need continuous training to gradually see your progress


So don’t imagine that you can significantly improve your performance over a period of time


For marathon, endurance is patience


Don’t think about becoming fat all at once


It’s the stupidest behavior to keep running when injured


Many people want to keep healthy by running, and then there are many injuries when running


For example, running knee, plantar fasciitis, iliotibial bundle friction syndrome, tibial pain, ankle pain and so on


It’s not the fault of running


Because sports and injuries are inseparable, sports can strengthen the body, but there are preconditions, but also pay attention to the method, and incorrect sports will damage your health


For example, if you’re too heavy and you’re forced to run, it’s strange that you don’t hurt your knee


For example, if you run every day, your body will protest


Although running will always encounter all kinds of injuries, but as long as you do these points, you can basically avoid a lot of injuries


For example, warm-up before running, stretching after running, training without injury, not always speed training, running volume control in a reasonable range, often strength training, strengthen the weakest part of the body


If there are injuries in running, you should see a doctor in time, have a good rest, and learn some knowledge about running injuries when necessary


It is the most stupid behavior to insist on training with injuries


We must wait until the injury recovers before we start running, and we must start running step by step


We must not run 10 kilometers because of excitement.


By KingWay