Physical strength can directly bring spiritual strength! Yesterday, a good friend of mine called Xiaobian and asked me what I was doing at home on weekends? She said that in recent weeks, she has been very busy at the end of the year


In addition to work, she has to prepare the year-end summary


Even though she is still working overtime at home on weekends to sort out the data of one year and do PPT, she has been in this state for two or three weeks


She is a little tired and depressed, so she wants to have a chat with someone


Yes, at the end of the year, everyone seems to be very busy


There are a lot of work and family trivia, and they are in a low mood


So is Xiaobian


Last week, we also finished the year-end summary


Xiaobian told her that when I was in a bad mood, I would go out for a run after work or on weekends


But my friend has a question: it will take at least an hour to get back from running


Even if you finish running, you still have to face those unsolved problems


I might as well rush to work when I have this time


Indeed, many times, problems that have not been solved before running still have to be faced after running


After running a marathon, will the life of fucker pass? unable


What we haven’t done, we have to continue to do


We have to worry about our children’s studies, and we have to be busy with daily necessities and meals So why run? Xiaobian thinks that, at least, during the period of running, you will have a temporary peace, enter a vast world, and have your own moment of spiritual solitude


Although you have to face the trivia of life after that, at least you have more courage


Two days ago, Xiaobian saw a microblog, and a netizen said: girls, if you really don’t know what to do now, then go to exercise, whether it’s running, dancing, rolling iron or boxing, stick to it, the physical strength will directly bring spiritual strength! Photo source: Lingling, Peter and four cats


We modern people, life pressure is too big, body and spirit are easy to collapse, really should go running, it may be your body and soul of the double harbor


Because seriously, running can solve a lot of your problems


Before you run, you can’t climb a few stairs and feel out of breath


You become the slowest person to climb mountains on weekends


But after running, your energy becomes abundant, you will never be out of breath when climbing stairs, you will be more leisurely than other parents when participating in children’s school sports meeting, you will not feel tired when shopping, and you will no longer be unable to walk when you go out to play


Before running, you have a headache, shoulder and back pain, insomnia, tossed a lot of experts and doctors, also did a lot of tests, can not solve the problem


But after running, all the pain that bothered you is gone


Take Xiaobian for example


After running, the low back pain that has been painful for a year has disappeared


You don’t have to lie down when you sleep at night, and you don’t have to worry about anything when you walk up and down the stairs


Once you have something on your mind, it’s usually hard to sleep at night


It is also easy to wake up suddenly in the middle of the night


Many people and things neglected during the day will come to mind clearly, and it is difficult to fall asleep again


After running, however, insomnia was almost zero


After sleep quality becomes higher, mental outlook also changes greatly


Before running, you always worry about your weight and figure


As you grow older, you begin to get fat in middle age


But after running, you can control your weight well, your muscles will become stronger, your skin will be tighter, your body will look better, and you won’t worry about inappropriate clothes any more


When a person’s body shape is in the best condition, there is no fat, his self-confidence will be greatly improved


After all, a healthy and symmetrical figure is the envy of everyone


Before running, looking at yourself in the mirror, your face is sallow, acne and spots emerge in an endless stream, and the appearance of the aunt next door suddenly appears in your mind


But it’s only two months since running


The comfort of running can relieve the pressure in the heart


The face is ruddy, the acne is reduced a lot, the abdominal fat obviously begins to shrink, and the waistline also becomes beautiful


I dare to wear bikini when I go to the seaside


Running will make you younger and look better than your peers


Your 40s look like your 20s


Going to a classmate party is considered cosmetic surgery


Before running, you never regard running as a sport, but a sport should be a kind of sport with fierce physical confrontation, such as playing football and basketball


Put on your running shoes and go for a run


It’s impossible! You also think that people who run in the morning, on the playground or in the park are sick


Work is very busy, time is not enough, how can be consumed in boring running above


But after running, you join these people and enjoy it


Not to mention getting up early and running in the morning, I never sleep late on weekends, either running or on the way to running


Sleeping in bed is almost automatically insulated from you, and the morning time can be described as racing against the clock, which can indirectly change your procrastination


Because you need to get up early, you will take the initiative to go to bed early the day before and stay up late


Before running, you are a carnivore, like fried food, basically do not eat vegetables, fruit is only a few, and carbonated drinks is never leave the mouth


However, after running, you strictly control your diet, running 10 kilometers only consumes more than 600 calories


A rougamo or a bag of French fries, or a bottle of sugary drinks can easily add calories back


As we know how much sweat we need to consume this calorie, we will pay special attention to control our diet


In daily life, we will consciously put an end to unhealthy eating habits such as high fever and high fat


Milk, fruits, vegetables and bread are your main ingredients


Before running, you feel sleepy in the daytime and sleepy in the evening


Although you lie in bed in the daytime, you can’t sleep


During the day, I am haggard to go to work


When I have a task, it’s like beating chicken blood


I feel excited in a moment


On the way home from work, I can fall asleep standing in the subway carriage


But after running for 5 kilometers every day, it doesn’t make people feel tired


On the contrary, it makes me feel uncomfortable without running


But you spend a few kilometers of physical strength every day, and a lot of things come to the end Success, return is more than expected


Before running, you are depressed and often forget what you just remember


You will attribute it to your age


But after you run, your mental state is greatly improved


What you thought you could not do is to run the first 5K, 10K, half horse, full horse Although the body is very tired after running, the spirit is full of energy


On the way to running, you can find yourself who you don’t know and who you really are


Because running itself is a process of returning to self


Before running, you were confused, stressed and even depressed


You find all kinds of ways to vent, but it doesn’t help


However, after running, those tangled, hesitant, anxious and powerless feelings are suddenly cured by a mysterious substance


The air, wind and sun all seem to enlighten you


You suddenly have a lot more courage


Take a deep breath, you will feel that the world is really wonderful, life is still as good as it was at the beginning


Before you run, you are struggling to find inspiration, racking your brains and can’t think of a good idea


As time goes by, you have all kinds of doubts about yourself.


By KingWay