Source: running Institute (ID: paobuxuyueyuan) bailiwei injured his knee in running


There are a thousand reasons for refusing to run


This is probably the most “legitimate” reason


The vast majority of runners choose to run for a healthier body instead of covering their knees and yelling, “running is wrong for me! We have made a detailed explanation about whether running really hurt the knee, and the answer is of course: no! However, from the results, students who like to run are really vulnerable to knee problems


There are many reasons for your knee discomfort, such as the wrong running posture impact on the knee, such as the excessive use of the knee, but there is one reason that you may neglect, that is: your butt, no energy! No strength..


Speaking of knee injury caused by running, our first impression is “running knee”


You see, we all use the word “running” as the prefix of this injury


The so-called running knee, in fact, mainly refers to the iliotibial band syndrome, and everyone’s initial impression of it is the pain of the lateral knee joint


In addition to lateral knee pain, the following symptoms may also be manifestations of iliotibial band syndrome: when going up and down stairs, pain in and around the kneecap, pain in and around the kneecap, feeling weakness or instability of the knee


When bending or stretching the knee, it will make a friction sound or click, and the kneecap feels very soft


There are three main causes of iliotibial band syndrome There are three kinds of explanations: the first one is also a classic one, that is, the tension of the iliotibial band rubs the lateral epicondyle of the femur constantly during the knee extension and flexion, which explains the pain of iliotibial band syndrome as excessive friction, which is why the iliotibial band syndrome is often called iliotibial band friction syndrome


The second view is that iliotibial tract syndrome is more likely to be a compression syndrome than a friction syndrome


The third explanation is that some scholars believe that the bursa between the iliotibial tract and the lateral femoral condyle is inflamed, resulting in pain


In the MRI results of patients with iliotibial tract syndrome, the bursa here is often in a “high-risk” state


The proponents of iliotibial tract syndrome often take this phenomenon as a strong evidence


Although there is no definite conclusion about the etiology of iliotibial tract syndrome, there is a general consensus on the factors that aggravate the disease, which can be divided into external factors and internal factors


The external factors mainly refer to some ways we do when we run, which are easy to cause knee pain, mainly including wrong running posture, running down the slope, suddenly increasing speed or distance, etc


Internal factors mainly refer to some factors of our body, which are easy to cause knee pain, such as genu varus (O-shaped leg), excessive tibial rotation, excessive foot varus and insufficient hip abductor muscle strength


The external factors are basically controllable


You can choose a more healthy running posture (poke me), run less downhill, and run step by step


However, the internal factors are difficult to improve, such as genu varus (O-shaped leg), excessive internal rotation of tibia and excessive varus of foot, which are congenital and difficult to change


But there is also something that can be changed, that is, the strength of abductor hip muscle group (hip side) is insufficient


So, why hip abductors? Why does the strength of hip joint muscle affect the pain of knee joint? As a whole, the health of any part may affect other parts


For example, cervical spondylosis can be caused by lumbar muscle strain, ankle habitual sprain can be caused by patellar strain, and so on


Therefore, it is not difficult to understand the importance of gluteus medius when people are regarded as a whole


First of all, the importance of pelvic position and hip joint stability is very important for the whole person’s movement


The pelvis is in the middle of the human body, and the pelvic instability can affect the scapula upward and the ankle stability downward


The basic posture of running is the movement of one foot landing without stopping exchange, and the core of its movement chain is the correct position of pelvis


Imagine if the pelvis dislocation, in the process of long-distance running is equivalent to repeatedly repeating the wrong posture, the pain should be produced


The most important muscle to fix the pelvis is the gluteus medius


In recent years, the importance of gluteus medius has been put on the agenda of sports science


In the past, athletes with patellofemoral pain syndrome are always considered that the quadriceps is not strong enough to cause the patella displacement force line is not correct


But more and more scientific research shows that the weakness of gluteus medius has more serious impact on the knee joint and even ankle joint than the weakness of quadriceps


The reason is not complicated


The function of the gluteus medius is to stabilize the pelvis and make the hip joint move in all directions except adduction


When the muscles that stabilize the hip joint are weak, the task of stabilizing the pelvis needs to be undertaken by the muscles of the knee joint and the lateral femur


In other words, when your gluteus medius is weak, you run, and the force that the gluteus medius cannot bear is transmitted downward by the knee joint Naturally, there will be all kinds of knee problems


If the knee bears too much pressure for a long time, it is easy for the knee joint to degenerate


The condylar tendon bundle on the lateral side of the knee will also cause pain due to long-term tension, leading to “Iliotibial bundle syndrome”


Now we sit for more than ten hours every day, and the strength of our hips is gradually weakened, because when we sit down, we can hardly use the muscles of our hips


There is a very effective detection method, you can see when running, the strength of the hip is not enough


That’s shooting your own running posture, or running on a treadmill in front of a mirror


Carefully observe your running posture


If your hips swing from side to side and are not stable enough, your hips are weak and your pelvis is not stable enough


Today, I’d like to recommend some actions that can enhance the strength of the hips


You can add these actions to your usual exercise plan


01 “v-word pull-up exercise > > practice method: lie prone on the stable spherical surface of the fitness ball, make the pelvis close to the middle of the ball, put your hands gently on the floor, straighten your legs, separate your feet, and put your legs in the” V “position


Keep your back straight, raise your legs as high as possible, lower them slowly and repeat in turn


02 single leg hip abduction > > practice method place an elastic band around your thigh, 5cm higher than your knee, keep the resistance band open, and then squat, first keep still, then move the right leg backward at the right rear 45 degree angle, retract, and then move the left leg backward to the left rear, and always keep squatting, repeat in turn


03 horizontal walking exercise > > practice method: put resistance band on 4-5cm above the knee, and keep the elastic band extended


First walk 20 steps to the right, make sure your feet are lifted alternately, then walk to the left, repeat in turn


Practice method: the left foot supports the ground, the knee slightly bends, keep the back straight, the right foot slowly swings back, at the same time keep the back straight, the arms straight, vertical to the ground, pull down, retract, change legs, repeat in turn


05 prone pull up > > practice method prone, hands bent, folded in front of the forehead, elbows extended outward, add a fitness ball between the two legs, on the lower leg, keep the lower leg bending 90 degrees, and then try to lift the ball straight up with leg strength, slowly fall, repeat in turn


06 single leg squat > > practice method: stand in front of the fitness ball with your feet apart, hold your hands in front of your chest, stretch your left foot back on the fitness ball, support your body with your right leg, then squat slowly until your thighs are parallel to the ground, stand slowly, then change your feet, and repeat in turn.


By KingWay