Athletes in the process of training, competition caused by muscle, bone and other parts of the injury known as sports injury


From the perspective of sports training, those engaged in competitive sports, there must be the risk of injury, especially for the marathon athletes who adhere to the heavy load training for a long time, there are not a few athletes whose injuries affect the system training or lead to premature retirement


From the perspective of sports medicine, the active prevention of sports injury is far more important than the treatment of sports injury


The characteristics of running injury are usually that the injury parts of marathon athletes are mainly concentrated in the lower limbs


Common marathon sports injuries: knee joint, ankle, Achilles tendon, tibial periostitis, plantar fasciitis, iliotibial bundle, etc


Compared with football and basketball, the degree of running injury is relatively light, and sudden fracture is rare


For professional marathoners with long-term heavy exercise load, the main cause of sports injury is the accumulation of chronic fatigue, that is, the accumulation of micro structure damage after exercise, which eventually forms chronic injury, and often lies in the key parts of the body, which has a long influence time


There are two main reasons for running injury: one is the weakness of their own sports ability; the other is the improper training methods


Their own weak sports ability includes: old age, poor talent, poor technology, weak strength and so on


The core strength and explosive power of the older runners are poor


The core strength difference will lead to the weakness of the key stress parts, which is difficult to support the high intensity of exercise; the poor running technology will lead to the deformation of body posture, which will increase the load on the stress joints


Improper training methods include: insufficient warm-up before running; inadequate stretching after running; serious exercise load exceeding the maximum endurance of the body; too hard daily training ground, wrong choice of running shoes, etc


The purpose of warming up before running is to stimulate cardiopulmonary function, activate muscle elasticity and reduce the risk of injury


Although we all know the importance of warm-up, many runners still turn a deaf ear to it, especially in the season of poor muscle elasticity in winter


Usually, warm-up links: 1, standing on the spot, lower limb unarmed exercise (low intensity) 2, jogging for 3 ~ 5 minutes 3, secondary muscle activation (double jump, high leg lift, etc.) 02 stretching after running is not in place, stretching after running is to relax the muscles, so as to relieve muscle stiffness and pain


Long term stretching can make muscles more elastic, increase the range of joint activity and improve the flexibility of the body


If you don’t stretch, it will lead to muscle tension, decrease of elasticity, increase of local pressure, untimely discharge of local inflammatory factors and metabolic waste, and slow down of body fatigue, which will easily cause fatigue accumulation and lead to pain


Although there is no load stimulation, there is no high-quality training effect


But the long-term exercise load is too large, will inevitably bring physical fatigue, with the accumulation of physical fatigue, in training people will be slow, energy is not concentrated, technical movement deformation, uncoordinated, emotional also involuntarily appear “tired of running”, in such a state to continue training, not only the training effect is very poor, but also prone to injury


In addition, long-term training on roads and slate roads and wearing running shoes with poor cushioning and stability will bring greater impact to the stressed parts such as ankles and knees, and sports injuries will also occur over time


From the perspective of sports training, in order to reduce sports injury, we should not only control the exercise load and reduce the risk, but also improve our own sports ability and the ability to prevent injuries through training


For marathon athletes, in addition to the conventional aerobic, mixed oxygen and anaerobic training, we should also strengthen the auxiliary training


Auxiliary training includes: strengthening the trunk core strength training, leg strength training (especially ankle), flexibility training (mainly hip flexibility), etc


Especially heavy weight runners should not rush to increase the amount of running


In addition to running, they can also reduce their weight to an appropriate range through other sports with less impact (swimming, cycling, etc.), and then gradually increase the amount of running


The more systematic the cycle training is, the lower the probability of injury will be


For the mass marathon runners, they should spend the most time on a large number of aerobic training with medium and low intensity, while maintaining a certain amount of strength training


Only by laying a good aerobic Foundation (changing the technique also needs to be carried out in the low speed aerobic training) and strength foundation, can we cope with the later higher intensity training and competition


Of course, in high-intensity training such as interval training and speed training, one is to control the exercise load (don’t pursue 100% high intensity); the other is to do it in good competitive condition and training system, otherwise it is easy to get injured


To prevent overtraining, gradual and timely recovery is the most basic training principle of sports training, which can also prevent overtraining


The premise of increasing exercise load (running volume and intensity) is to adapt to the early training


With the accumulation of exercise load and the improvement of exercise level, the stimulation of completing the same load on the body and the stress response of the body will be less and less


At this time, the ability of the body to bear large exercise load will be stronger and stronger


Usually, in the different training stages such as weekly training plan, periodic training plan and post match adjustment, phased “reduction” is needed to give the body the space for recovery and adjustment


04 choose suitable running shoes, high technology leads high speed


High tech running shoes with complete performance can not only improve sports performance, but also reduce the risk of injury due to their strong wrapping, good cushioning and light weight


Of course, the choice of running shoes should be combined with their own sports level


For the entry-level runners with low sports level and poor skills and strength, they should choose a pair of running shoes with better cushioning performance


For elite runners who pursue high speed, the best choice is the shoes with springback, light weight and good air permeability


In short, sports injury is a very normal phenomenon in sports training, and many excellent athletes are often troubled by injuries


It is important for us to have a comprehensive understanding of sports injury and realize that prevention is more important than treatment


As long as we can recognize our own physical characteristics and sports level, adhere to systematic and scientific training, keep the principle of step-by-step training, and do not rashly challenge our physical limits, we will only run less and less, not more and more


This article is 98 run original article, is a personal point of view, for reference only


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By KingWay