As we all know, the friends you make in running are the most intimate


This sentence, when used in the communication of running, can’t be more appropriate


But, back to life, if running friends suddenly come to you to borrow money, what should you do? If you don’t borrow it, you will feel embarrassed, feel guilty and even lose this friend


Let’s borrow it


I’m afraid the other party won’t pay back the money on time


It’s a dilemma


If you borrow money and don’t pay it back, there’s a ready-made negative example in running circles


The former members of tnf100 running friends association reported publicly that Liu, who was involved in the running circle, liked to borrow money from running friends everywhere


It is reported that many female running friends were also the most borrowed money, and they could not repay it repeatedly, so they became a running circle veteran


According to a runner who once lent money to Liu, he and Liu got to know each other through running activities


A year later, Liu suddenly proposed to borrow money


His tone was sincere and he was very anxious


He borrowed 12000 yuan without much thinking


He also made a receipt and pressed his fingerprints


Who knows, when it’s time to pay back the money, I still haven’t paid it back


Later, I learned that Liu had “borrowed money” for many times in many running groups, not only borrowed his own money but also didn’t pay it back


This is embarrassing


Xiao Wang, a running friend in business, also said with emotion: he makes some money in business


If anyone who borrows money from me swears “I’ll definitely pay you back in two weeks”, it’s almost certainly not enough


There are absolutely a few people who can repay the money on time


In the morning when we were in the running circle, we had a heated discussion about the problem of running friends’ borrowing money


The enthusiastic teacher Li also sorted out everyone’s usual practice: 1


If we don’t borrow money, borrowing will turn our friends into enemies




No, I have no money


I want to borrow money to buy a house




Borrow less


I’m not prepared to ask him to pay it back




Borrow, do not return (local tyrant ah) 5


Borrow, write IOU


However, the most admirable way is the runner Xiaoshuai


Xiaoshuai’s method is: before he finds that the other party has signs of borrowing money, he puts forward to borrow money from the other party first..


Not only can he continue to be friends, but also become rich


It can be seen that after Xiaoshuai runs fast, his brain turns fast


Running friend Maomao said: I’m not as good as Xiaoshuai, because no one ever borrows money from me, isn’t it


Enthusiastic teacher Li added: if no one asks you to borrow money, don’t be happy


It’s because everyone knows you are poor


Deng Peng, a handsome man, said: I’m stupid


I borrowed 20000 yuan from the bank and lent it to my friends


After several days of urging, I finally returned it


Then I lent it to him to travel


Am I out of my mind? Besides, will people be grateful? In the end, Mr


Li said with emotion that no matter relatives, friends, running friends or classmates want to borrow money, they should plan not to come back Li Ka Shing, who is not short of money, also said: what is the most difficult? Borrow money! Those who are willing to lend you money must be your nobles


The person who is not only willing to borrow, but also won’t let you beat him with an IOU must be one of your nobles


Nowadays, there are not many such noble people


If you meet them, you must cherish them all your life


Running friends, if you suddenly borrow money from you, what will you do? ——


By KingWay