Now, more and more people begin to pay attention to fitness


996’s work intensity, staying up late and insomnia make our health worse and worse


Having a good body has become something we have to put on the agenda


There are thousands of ways to keep fit


What’s the simplest way you can think of? Yes, it’s running


But running is not to run as far as possible


The best is the one that suits you


In the book running cure, Zhang Zhanhui, a well-known fitness coach in China, talks about several methods to help us find a suitable running style, get rid of the fatigue of commuting and live a happy and beautiful life


His method not only benefited himself from running, but also led thousands of people to run, including entrepreneurs such as fan Deng


Why don’t you run? For people who just started running, the biggest problem of running is that they can’t run


As you run, you’re gasping for breath


Maybe you don’t want to run for the second time in your life after running once


You are tired because you have a wrong idea of running


Many people think that running must be as long as possible, so they have to run a few kilometers as soon as they come up


After running, they can’t help but comfort themselves that they feel pain


But in fact, running does not need to be very tired


Running needs to be different from person to person


In Zhang Zhanhui’s words, it needs “scientific training”


To reconstruct the inner order, real health requires both body and mind to be healthy


By running, you can return to the most vigorous state at the beginning, control your life with endless vitality, and make yourself believe that you have the ability to lead to happiness


In the process of running, you can reconstruct your inner order, so that you don’t worry, don’t worry, focus on what’s really important in front of you, and get a continuous happy experience


So running can not only strengthen your body, but also improve your energy, reconstruct your inner order, and let you take full control of your life


Let running become your lifelong sport


In fact, running is not so difficult


As long as you master the correct method and start from today, you will soon be able to complete 3 km, 5 km, and even have the ability to explore your city


Running can not only get a new experience, more importantly, you can explore different cities and see all kinds of life


Take the Beijing Marathon as an example


When you start from Tiananmen Square, there are traffic police in front of you, ambulances behind you to provide support, and running enthusiasts from all over the world to compete with you


When you finally run to the National Stadium, your feeling of Beijing will definitely be refreshed


Running is not to run as far as possible


It’s the best that suits you


At the same time, we learned about the benefits of running


Running can not only exercise, but also reconstruct our inner order, improve our energy and control our life better


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I’m a good friend of dianshu, sun Miaoren


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By KingWay