Can running lead to crus thickening? This is actually a problem that many small partners have been struggling with


Many people go into the gym, or put on running shoes to start running, the original intention is to make the body better


Of course, in the minds of Chinese people, the concept of thin as beauty has not changed much, so many people go to training to become thin


And as long as it comes to weight loss, we have to mention a lot of weight loss inspirational people, their inspirational stories are through a few months of running to achieve the transformation of the body


So, a lot of people want to run when it comes to weight loss


When they bought running shoes, prepared their equipment, and struggled to run for 2 kilometers, they found that their legs were thicker than before


I believe that watching their swollen legs at that moment was no less terrifying than watching horror movies


What’s going on? Originally, I wanted to lean my legs by running, but it turned out to be thicker than before, so many of my friends were in a panic and wondered if running could not continue? Can run let crus coarsen? What’s wrong with thick legs caused by running? In this issue, let’s talk about running and thick legs


Let’s start with the conclusion: regular running doesn’t lead to very strong legs


We can give an example of the more extreme marathon athletes, who have to carry out high-intensity training every day


Their job is to run, every day except the rest day


However, we can find that marathon athletes are not particularly stout


When we look at their calves, they have no obvious appearance of muscular legs


On the contrary, they are all lean


Of course, considering that most of the women who worry about their thick legs are girls, let’s explain why they feel their legs are thicker than before after running? In fact, the answer is very simple, because the thick legs caused by running are caused by muscle congestion


This is the same as when we do push ups in strength training


After the parallel bars arm flexion and extension, we can see that our chest muscles and triceps muscles are obviously enlarged and thickened, but in fact, after the congestion has faded, their latitude has returned to the original state


Because no matter the reduction of fat or the growth of muscle, it will not be completed in a short time, but in a process of gradual accumulation


In fact, not only does running not make legs thicker, it can also make legs thinner


Because regular exercise can help us increase the consumption of calories and increase the decomposition of fat


When we have less fat in our body, not only our legs, but also our whole body will gradually lose weight


At the same time, our cardiopulmonary function will be stronger than before, and our mental state will be better than before, which is why many people insist on running


If you don’t believe it, we can give another example


I observed a lot of fitness men in the gym


Some of them are very developed in the upper body, but few developed in the legs


It’s not that they don’t practice their legs


They really practice their legs, and it’s hard to get their legs thick


Many of them squat with a frightening weight, but their calves have never developed (which may also be due to the lack of special calf training)


So, from the visual point of view, there is also an obvious disharmony, that is, their arms are almost beyond the latitude of their legs


Although the efficiency of increasing muscle and reducing fat is related to genes, diet and environment, the lower leg is also a relatively slow developing type


Especially in women, the natural body hormone secretion and men are not the same, will also lead to slow muscle effect


So, in general, the possibility of calf thickening is really minimal


So why do your legs look so thick? And sometimes it feels hard, isn’t it muscle? Isn’t fat all soft? In fact, it’s not all muscles that are solid


It may also be caused by too tight fascia


Some people after running or often wear high-heeled shoes will lead to calf fascia tension, so feel the calf is hard


If you roll your calf with fascia balls or foam axes, you will enjoy hitherto unknown pain


But after rolling, you will find that the leg muscles are loose


Therefore, please do not believe that you have a high body fat rate, but a lot of calf muscles


For women, it is very good to control the body fat rate at 20% ~ 25%, but if your body fat rate exceeds 30%, it is necessary to lose weight for the sake of body shape and health


After running, be sure to stretch


Stretching is not to make the muscle longer, but to maintain the muscle’s ductility and elasticity, which can reduce the risk of sports injury


Therefore, if you only do exercise for a long time without stretching, then the muscles will become more and more tense and stiff, and it is easy to get injured in the future training


At the same time, stretching the target muscle group after exercise can make the muscle more comfortable, because you won’t always feel bloated


So if you like to run and want to run, run as much as you can


Running doesn’t make your legs thicker, it just makes your body tighter and tighter, more stylish and healthier


But when running, we must do enough warm-up before exercise and stretching after exercise


If you don’t want to run, don’t want to exercise, then honestly control the calorie intake of the diet, only control the diet can make you thinner, but you have to rely on training for lordosis and kyphosis


#One in a hundred well, this is the sharing of this issue


If you have a way to understand, you can leave me a message at the end of the article or send me a private message directly


I’m pop Dong, just talking about the fitness knowledge you can understand




By KingWay