Recently, the recruitment of soldiers in 2021 has begun


According to the messages of sword fans in the backstage and email, the program team of sword fans on swords has an exclusive interview with Lao Hu, a low-level and shallow bricklayer in the world, on the hot issues of recruitment


Now, let’s start ~ swordsman: Hello, everyone, this is the live studio of “sword fans on sword”


Today, we are very honored to have Lao Hu, a global low-level capitalist and shallow bricklayer! Brick home! Brick old Hu: Sword fans friends, Hello, host! I am Lao Hu, a global low-level capitalist and shallow bricklayer who “does not want to be right, but wants to be able to say it”! I’m very happy to answer your questions


Swordsman: from the 22nd to the 26th of this month, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress will examine the draft amendment to the military service law


Some netizens suggested that many troops, especially technical troops, are mainly non commissioned officers


Should we abolish the system of compulsory military service? Please confirm and introduce the relevant information? Laohu, a bricklayer: as a grass-roots bricklayer, there is no comment on whether he wants to make a big change


However, from experience, it is unlikely to abolish the compulsory military service system


Since the first military service law of 1955, the system of compulsory military service has been established


In 1978, in order to retain some technical backbones to serve in the army for a long time, a military service system combining conscripts and volunteers was implemented


Since then, this system has been adhered to


Even though the majority of non commissioned officers are in many technical units, there are still many units that need to be equipped with some conscripts, and the selection of non commissioned officers from conscripts is also the main source of non commissioned officers


Swordsman: now netizens are at a high level


Some netizens ask questions


Qi Jiguang recruits soldiers


He can’t recruit those who muddle around in the market, those who are glib, those who are timid, and those with white skin


He only recruits honest people who are not afraid of death and are not opportunistic


In recent years, the proportion of College recruits has been increasing, and their educational level has been improving


However, it has been proved by practice that as a leader, he hopes to receive less college students, some high school students and technical secondary school students


How do you evaluate this? Laohu: this netizen is also familiar with the book of war and history, and has done a lot of research


Qi Jiguang’s way of recruiting soldiers is similar to the present political trial, and in some aspects is more strict than the present political trial


According to the data of the Ministry of education, the gross enrollment rate of China’s higher education will reach 51% in 2019, and the total number of students in school will reach 40 million


Higher education has changed from popularization to popularization


The total score of the college entrance examination is 750 points


The score line of college students in many provinces is less than 200 points


The score line of undergraduate students is 400 points


How many students can’t go to university? Secondary vocational schools also have their own entrance examination


As long as they take the examination, they can basically get the admission notice of higher vocational education


How many students can’t go to higher vocational education? Now college students have become the main body, the proportion of high school students and secondary school students is less and less


In conscription, it may be a little difficult to recruit real high school students and technical secondary school students


Swordsman: a sword fan asked that many college students join the army to gild themselves in the barracks


They are very utilitarian, and few of them serve as sergeants for a long time


Senior high school students and technical secondary school students know that they have a lower education and are not competitive in the society


They have a strong desire to serve in the army for a long time


Therefore, the grass-roots troops don’t like college student soldiers very much


It’s just like marrying a daughter-in-law, who is both beautiful and down-to-earth, of course


But if only beautiful, not down-to-earth life, it is better to marry a soul beauty, can down-to-earth life


Please confirm whether there is such a situation and how to evaluate it? Brick Laohu: this netizen must be a married man


He has a deep feeling and a very appropriate description


The situation he said does exist


However, I feel that it is commendable for young people to join the army even with their personal experience


It is worth encouraging and advocating that young people combine their personal ideals with their dedication to the army


What’s more, they need to be encouraged and guided by policies


Just like the canteen buyer, he purchases a series of good ingredients, but the chef’s level is not high, he can only stew in one pot, and the customers are not satisfied


Is it fair to put the responsibility on the buyer? There are a lot of college students recruited, but few of them stay in the team after two years of service


We should analyze the deep-seated reasons


We should not blindly feel the elephant, and we should not shift the responsibility to the military service department, so that the military service department can carry the black pot


Therefore, the military service organs should accurately recruit college students to the army, the army should make good use of them and let them stay, and the retirement resettlement department should formulate policies to encourage long-term service and resettle them


The three monks should also have water, tap water and mineral water


Swordsman: a netizen asked that many college students joined the army this year, and they will serve two years later


If we don’t adjust the relevant policies, I’m afraid college students will not stay in the army for a long time


In particular, some places have introduced the policy of recruiting college graduates into the army


After two years of service, they can retire to work


Once more than two years, it will be invalid


This policy can only induce such personnel to retire after two years of service


What’s your comment on this? Mr


brick: now the reform of military policy and system is advancing, and the policy will only be better and better, more and more optimized and improved


The relevant military and civilian departments are formulating a series of preferential policies to encourage long-term service, which has been clearly defined in the law on the protection of retired servicemen


For example, in order to encourage college graduates to join the army, some localities have introduced the policy of recruiting them into the army, which is only valid for two years


This is contrary to the policy of the national army


It not only encourages speculation, but also quenches thirst by drinking poison for the construction of military talents and the generation of combat effectiveness


It is not worth advocating, or it should be cracked down on and prohibited


We strongly condemn all acts that are not conducive to national defense and army building! It is hoped that the relevant parties will stop at the precipice immediately and find a way back


Swordsman: many swordsman fans have raised similar questions: I am a college graduate and joined the army in September 2020


I heard that there is a policy of upgrading from junior college to junior college after I retire from the army


Those who join the army for the sake of upgrading from junior college to junior college want to retire after two years


Please introduce the policy of upgrading from junior college to junior college


Is this planning reasonable? Lao Hu of the brick family: Lao Hu doesn’t know much about the policy of upgrading retired soldiers from junior college to junior college


It seems that he has such a policy


Whether it is reasonable or not varies from person to person and from time to time


Lao Hu felt that after serving for two years, he didn’t have to retire and upgrade to college to become a crab eater


Maybe it’s not too late to have a look and wait for the crab


Retired college student soldiers who have served for more than five years can enjoy preferential or directional recruitment policies for civil servants, public institution staff and military civilian personnel


It seems more fragrant to change to non commissioned officers and retire after a few years


The road is smooth and the rank is promoted


Is it better? Swordsman: due to the time limit of the program, let’s end here


Please leave a message and we will answer it in the follow-up program


bye! Lao Hu: the military road has a bright future, and the road is not smooth


perseverance prevails! bye! Swordsman: we solemnly declare that the copyright of this program belongs to three swordsmen


No plagiarism is allowed without authorization! bye! Please consult the question, welcome to pay attention to the three swordsman official account, and enter the background message


We will reply regularly

. To encourage the swordsman, another new military uniform will appear, leading a new way of military uniform classification in the future!.


By KingWay