The group of movements recommended by Xiaobian today are very powerful


They are not only simple and easy to learn, but also have a first-class effect of fat scraping


The key point is that they are very effective on the waistcoat line


If you really want to be thin, you should learn them quickly


Action 1: sit on the yoga mat, bend your legs and close your knees, stretch your arms forward, tighten your abdomen, and make your upper body lie back quickly At the same time, both hands on the ground, legs and buttocks up, and then quickly restore the sitting position


This action is repeated 30 times


Action 2: lie flat on a yoga mat with your feet slightly apart, legs bent, arms held in front of your chest, abdomen force, lift your shoulders off the ground, and then turn your upper body left and right


This movement takes left and right turns once as a group, doing 30 groups in total


Action 3: support the upper body with both arms backward, palms down, knees bent, feet apart and shoulder width, abdominal force, lift the right leg, while the left arm is straight forward, the left hand touches the right foot back; lift the left leg, the right arm is straight forward, the right hand touches the left foot back


This action to do a left and right for a group, a total of 30 groups


Action 4: support the upper body with both hands backward (as shown in the figure), bend the left leg to the knee and support the heel on the ground, slightly bend the right leg to raise it up, exert force on the abdomen, lift the buttocks as high as possible, and then lower them, repeat this 30 times


Action 5: lie flat on the yoga mat, knees bent, feet shoulder width apart, arms straight forward and hands holding, abdominal force, hips as high as possible, and then lower, repeat 30 times


Note that when raising your hips, keep your head and shoulders close to the ground at all times


This group of actions, in addition to effectively scraping off abdominal fat, can also exercise the waist and legs, so that you can easily achieve thin waist, thin leg and thin stomach! Really want to thin girls, don’t be lazy, go back to practice today!.


By KingWay