The idea of onrunning heavy weight beginners is to gradually improve strength, match the weight gradually reduced, and then get the results of running farther and faster


Many people are on the road of running for the purpose of reducing fat


Let’s analyze this topic in depth today


After all, in this era, BMI (weight divided by the square of height) has reached an unprecedented height


Take all kinds of group photos taken 30 years ago and compare them with those taken now


You will find that the whole era is as fat as two people


Running is recognized as an effective way to lose weight, but for beginners with large body weight, there are still many things to pay attention to at the beginning of running


Heavy weight beginners are faced with a series of problems in running: heavy weight and weak leg strength, poor cardiopulmonary capacity, not enough strength, weak endurance, not too far to run, psychologically difficult to maintain a long amount of exercise, and even some fear These restrict the pleasure, comfort and safety of running at the beginning, so we need to deal with them step by step


1、 For beginners, the most basic preparation for running is to overcome the multiple limitations of heavy complement, poor strength, weak heart and lung, and insufficient endurance


People who start running must be cautious in running distance, and advance in the type of exercise


Control the total amount of exercise, and gradually increase the proportion of running


The first official run, you can use the attitude of not demanding distance, run with the degree of general effort, in order to test their basic ability of running


At the beginning of running, remember to be too excited


All of a sudden, you run too much


As a result, you have to rest for many days, but you may never run again


I’ve seen too many beginners training together with the running God


They run a lot at the first time and force themselves too much


As a result, they get hurt or can’t recover for a long time, and then they don’t 1


Running distance can not be too long, walking and running combined with more than half an hour, just start running, is likely to be 2 km already panting, but it doesn’t matter, slow down, can’t run to walk


It’s better to run and stop for more than half an hour


It doesn’t matter if you slow down


The actions that move in the half an hour give the body a signal, that is, “I plan to improve the vitality dimension of the whole body”


After half an hour of panting and uninterrupted action, the body can feel it, and it will gradually adapt




Do more squat training, squat practice can effectively improve the strength of the thigh and hip, increase the stability of the knee, so that they can withstand the huge impact of running


Weight running, leg strength is the top priority


If squatting is difficult, squatting against the wall is OK




Do more heel lifting exercises


Heel lifting exercises are mainly used to strengthen calf strength


When running, the whole body’s action chain is damping for us


Most people have poor calf strength at the beginning, and their feet are not flexible


Heel lifting exercises can increase foot flexibility, help shock absorption and avoid injury


Moreover, the distance from the foot to the brain is the farthest, and the nerve under the foot is the longest one in the human body


It is especially good for the nerve reaction of the whole body to exercise the foot Kung Fu well




In addition to strengthening itself through exercise, external equipment is also very important


Choose the shoes with good cushioning to help us run and absorb external shock


The more beginners, the more professional the jogging shoes they need


Almost all the technologies of the shoe manufacturers are used in the jogging shoes


The cushioning and stability of the shoes can help them have a good start


In a word, the basic preparation for heavy weight beginners is to do squats, practice legs, wear shoes, and run carefully


2、 Prepare for the advancement


If you can finish 5K easily, congratulations


One foot has entered the runner’s world, and the other is the current weight


Big weight limits us to run faster and farther


During this period, it is necessary to control in many aspects, reduce weight and gradually improve running efficiency




For heavy weight runners, I suggest a “long short” alternate approach, interspersed with strength training and flexibility training


Beginners are most likely to encounter the situation is that the beginning of progress is very fast, always want to run farther and farther, every time there is improvement


But it is unrealistic to keep improving


The rhythm of body habit is fluctuating forward, rising and falling, and the overall trend is upward


In terms of distance, for example, the first 8 km, the second 5 km, the third 10 km, the fourth 6 km, the fifth 12 km, and then 6 km This will draw a general upward curve of ups and downs


In the ups and downs of training, we maintain a degree of relaxation, let go of the old and accept the new, as well as continuous progress momentum


In training, a relatively long distance is for growth and improvement and fat reduction


The relatively short distance is for the body to get rest, but at the same time, it has the habit of keeping the rhythm of movement




The whole body muscle strength training helps to reduce fat quickly


The running time is long enough to consume fat, which has immediate effect


Muscle training, on the other hand, can cause muscle tears in the body (don’t be scared by this word, the pain after strength training mainly comes from muscle tears, so as to become stronger), and then the body will spend a long time and a lot of energy to repair


After strength training, you can lose weight in bed


Aerobic running relies on distance and time to optimize the body from the perspective of the whole body circulation, reduce fat and improve the efficiency of oxygen utilization; while anaerobic muscle strength training will be repaired by continuous energy consumption for a long time after training, which is slow-release


If a heavy weight runner wants to run fast, he should lose weight first




Nutritional diet control after running to supplement water, carbohydrates and protein


Just after running, the blood sugar decreases


We should supplement water and carbohydrates to recover the blood sugar, and then we can start to work to repair the body


At this time, the insulin response is strong, and the strained muscle can be quickly repaired


Therefore, after high-intensity exercise, the time to supplement is very important, usually within an hour after exercise


If the body does not get energy supplement for a long time after exercise, the body will feel that the external environment is very dangerous, and endocrine regulation will enter another mechanism of obesity, which is determined by genes


Primitive people, if they can’t eat after exercise, most of it is due to the bad external environment, which may be a famine


The body has evolved a protective mechanism, which allows endocrine regulation and control, giving priority to fat storage


If they eat something, they will become fat and store it in order to cope with the next famine


This is very important


If you want to be low in body fat, eating less and having more meals and controlling the total amount is the king’s way


One point that must be emphasized here is total amount control


Because just after running, hunger is strong, it is likely to eat too much, so not only will not have weight loss effect, but also may become more fat, over time, can only become a very strong and able to run fat


From Wuling Hongguang to Hummer tank


3、 Preparing for long-term running if we’ve lost body fat and want to keep running as a long-term lifestyle, we need to set more goals


Regularly participate in the competition, regularly participate in the running group training, regularly change the running equipment, change the equipment to adapt to their current weight and speed, gradually enrich their running knowledge, and even find more significance of running Do you have any beginners around you? “Everything is difficult at the beginning


If you have a problem, you can find a colleague.” Most of the experiences about human body and movement itself can be used for reference for a long time.


By KingWay