Hello, Shumi


I’m Chen Xinyan, founder of the book list


In the twinkling of an eye, 2020 is less than a month away


If I can sum up, my biggest change this year is that I started running in March


In the past, I would gasp when I climb stairs, but now I can easily run more than ten kilometers


In the eyes of many professional runners, this achievement belongs to the primary level, but for myself, it is a big leap in my life


Why is there such a big change? This is the book I want to share with you today, the power of running


This book is not only about running, but also about how a middle-aged decadent man turns into Altman


It tells the story of how the Jedi fight back when they are in a desperate situation


When lazy cancer attack, I recommend you to turn over this book, it will make you wake up late at night, unable to sleep at night


Desperate middle-aged, let’s take a look at this picture first: handsome? This guy is the author of this book


His name is riceroll


In 2009, he was selected as “one of the 25 fittest men in the world” by men’s fitness magazine of the United States


But it all happened after he was 40 years old


Can you think of it? Before that, he weighed 190 Jin, and his belly was bigger than mine


In our words, he was a middle-aged greasy and fat house


But just such a man, at the age of 44, created a miracle


In less than a week, he and one of his friends completed five super triathlons on five islands of Hawaii


A triathlon consists of swimming 3.8km, riding 180km, and finally running a marathon – 42km


We normal people, can complete any of them, even if it is very amazing


Sports ability is super, will challenge these three together


But ricerol is more powerful


He completed five triathlons in a week


It’s not about increasing the intensity by five times, but whether you can survive at such a high intensity


What’s the chance for ricerol to suddenly wake up in middle age? This matter also starts from the eve of his 40th birthday


The author has a very detailed description of it


At about two o’clock in the morning, after watching a full three hours of soap operas and eating thousands of calories, I felt like I was getting sodium poisoning, so I decided to end my entertainment tonight


I turned off the light and dragged my 94 kg body upstairs


Halfway up, I had to take a rest


My legs became very heavy and my breathing was very hard


My face is red and hot


I have to lean down to breathe smoothly


My belly is stacked on the waist of my jeans After counting back, I climbed eight steps


I’m only 39 years old, and eight steps make it hard for me to breathe


Oh, my God, have I become like this? ” After climbing the steps, he went into the bedrooms of the little girls and watched them sleep


He not only imagined that his daughter would get married when she grew up: she was radiant, smiling, surrounded by proud elder brother and gentle and elegant mother


But when I came back, I realized something was missing – I wasn’t there! I may be dead! A tingling sensation quickly spread from my neck along my spine and turned into panic At that moment, he clearly realized that he might not live to see his daughter get married


He took a deep breath, moved to the bathroom with difficulty, saw himself in the mirror, and then froze


In the mirror is a fat, out of shape, very unhealthy person


And this is far from what he used to be


As a child, ricerol was a good swimmer


When he was 6 years old, he joined the swimming team


When he was 8 years old, he began to win prizes


When he was in middle school, he began to take part in national competitions


This specialty made him very popular when he applied for University, including Stanford, Harvard and other eight very well-known universities in the United States


Finally, he chose to go to Stanford University


You see, this is a typical top student with a bright future, right? But people always die


When did this man die? A glass of beer! When he was going to apply for University, he took part in a party of university swimming team


At that time, a friend handed him a glass of beer


Before that, he was not drunk, but he could not refuse this man’s wine


Because the person who delivered the wine was an athlete he admired very much, Bruce Kimball, who won the silver medal in the 1984 Olympic Games


The wine given by the idol must be drunk


If this cup goes on, his life will change forever


Why? He found out for the first time that beer used to be so good


Since then, it has been out of control, from beer to all kinds of foreign wine


I’m addicted to alcohol


You know, before going to college, in order to train, ricerol was super self disciplined


He worked hard from Monday to Friday, even on weekends


But after falling in love with alcohol, he lost interest in his favorite swimming, which he had loved for more than ten years


I didn’t take part in training, and I retired from the swimming team


Even on the day of graduation, he was so drunk that he took off his shoes when he came on stage


He was so angry with his father that he went back without eating with him


That is, after that, his parents were very disappointed with him


His father didn’t get along with him


I don’t like drinking


It’s really hard for me to understand the feelings of people who are addicted to alcohol and drink too much, but I just think it’s too bad to see his state


After graduation, this guy got a job at random, and then went through a failed marriage


The main reason was that he drank too much


Later, I had no choice but to go to the rehabilitation center, similar to our drug treatment center


It was at that time that he met his present wife, who fundamentally changed him


Maybe because of the power of love, he really quit drinking


“Although I’m not a model for abstinence, I’m totally different from the drunk one.” More importantly, in the process, he realized that “it means not only love, but also acceptance of love.” Secondly, during the time they lived together, he set up his own independent entertainment legal affairs without any planning – providing legal services for screenwriters, directors and producers in various film and television transactions


Later they got married and soon had their first child


Everything was going in a good direction


But at this time, the middle-aged crisis mentioned earlier appeared


The Jedi’s counterattack against ricerol’s middle-aged rebellion began with diet adjustment


The first thing he did was to ask his wife for help


His wife usually pays great attention to health preservation, so according to his wife’s formula, he lost his usual high calorie food and began to eat vegetarian food


After holding on for a week, he felt some effects and planned to hold on like this


Then he began to get back to exercise – running, cycling, swimming


After all, he has a foundation in sports


He recovers faster


His waistline begins to get thinner and thinner, and his energy is better than before


When these goals begin to be realized, the desire of middle-aged people to participate in sports competition begins to sprout


So he began to strengthen his training intensity, starting with running 1-2 times a week in the morning, swimming 1-2 times a week, and cycling again at the weekend


Later, it developed to 10 hours, 15 hours, sometimes even 18-20 hours of training per week He participated in the competition, more difficult than one, the results are getting better and better, until finally, in less than a week, completed five triathlons.


By KingWay