How can running be healthier? Some time ago, a runner left a message in the running research room of macondor, asking: why do some people run younger and older? Do they run more without oxygen? This is really a problem that many people like to discuss


When we write about some running characters, we often see similar messages


For example, when we write about runners who are running to lose weight, some people will leave a message saying: how do you feel older after losing weight? Not long ago, it was written that the 60 year old man in Britain broke the 60 year old half horse world record with 1:11:09


Then a runner left a message saying that he was too old to look at, and the 70 year old people working in the farm were not as old as him


However, at the same age of 60, when he saw the Japanese master iwagi, who ran 33 minutes and 39 seconds in 10000 meters, his message style changed


If you look at Shaoxing Ma, who is 70 years old and runs 258 times, you will find that some runners leave a message: my father is 70 years old, and he looks at least 10 years younger than my father


Let’s take a look at the runner we interviewed who lost 80 kg by running: then a runner left a message to refute the saying that running can make people grow old: “if you say that you get old after running, you can see that this one has changed from Uncle 30 to 40 to fresh meat.” Is it very confusing? Why do some people look younger after running, while others look older after running? Today, let’s talk about this topic


Does running make people old or young? 01 keeping running can make your body age at least ten years younger


“According to a study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology in 2018, keeping running for a long time can make your body age at least 10 years younger


This is because regular exercise throughout the year will greatly improve the health of cardiovascular, bone and muscle


Dr Scott trappe, who led the study, said: many 75 year olds who exercise regularly actually have the same level of cardiovascular health as middle-aged people aged 40-45


In 2017, a study in the United States also showed that long-term running can prolong life expectancy by 7 years


Even if you only exercise to the minimum recommended amount of exercise per week, you can live longer


Research shows that no matter what age, gender or health status, you can live longer if you start exercising


If you have ever smoked, you can prolong your life by 4.1 years after starting exercise; if you have never smoked before, you can prolong your life by 3 years


Even if you smoke after you start exercising, you can prolong your life by 2.6 years


Running can make your brain younger and sharper


As you get older, people will become more and more dull


But regular exercise will keep you agile


In 2012, the research published in Psychological Bulletin & review suggested that regular exercise can resist the decline of intelligence with age, such as selective attention, task switching and working memory


Researchers at the University of North Carolina have found that runners have younger brains


Because people who often take part in exercise, the brain will shrink more slowly, because exercise will increase the blood flow rate, which can deliver more oxygen to the brain


With the increase of age, the body’s bone mass will gradually lose, osteoporosis is a common disease of the elderly, and running can slow down the speed of bone loss


It is often said that running is easy to hurt the knee


In fact, this is a very big misunderstanding


David Felson, a Boston University researcher, said in an interview that running can make your knees healthier, not hurt


“We learned from long-span studies that running doesn’t hurt the knee.” “When we looked at their knee arthritis, the difference between the people who ran and those who didn’t,” Felson said


People who run a lot have a much lower risk of knee arthritis More than half of China’s adult residents are overweight or obese, according to the report on nutrition and chronic diseases of Chinese residents (2020) released by the state information office two days ago


Obesity is the source of all diseases, metabolic syndrome, sleep apnea, elevated blood pressure and so on are associated with it


The World Health Organization has officially regarded obesity as a disease, so there is no such thing as healthy obesity! On average, obesity saves people eight years of life


Many chronic diseases, such as “three high” are inseparable from the word “fat”


And many people insist on running for a period of time, to physical examination will find that these three indicators are normal


As the saying goes: smile, ten years less


Many people go for a run when they are under pressure or in a bad mood


After running, they will feel much more comfortable


This is because running produces an endogenous cannabinoid hormone


In 2006, a study published in Medicine & Science in Sports & exercise showed that simply walking on a treadmill for 30 minutes can immediately improve mood and get out of depression


In modern society, the communication between people is less and less, and becomes more and more “lonely”


A lot of people are sad all day and have no vitality at all


Running can relieve stress and improve mood


During running, you can talk with yourself, reconcile with yourself, and figure out some problems you can’t figure out


And running is a very social sport, you can get to know many like-minded friends through running


A person can run faster, a group of people can run farther, more happy! Running makes people look younger


Aging is an irreversible natural phenomenon


This is because with the growth of age, the number of mitochondria in cells will decrease, and the decrease of mitochondria will make the cells become less and less active, so the body will gradually age


And the magic thing about running is that it can repair mitochondria, which makes cells more energetic, which means the body is younger


“Running makes your muscles younger,” said a researcher at the University of Colorado


If you increase mitochondria through running, the young body will affect everything, such as reducing heart disease, reducing bone loss, and reducing the risk of diabetes In addition, running can make the aorta more elastic, make the heart younger, reduce the incidence of various diseases, and make your muscles and bones stronger, which is also an essential part of keeping you young


Since scientific research has shown that running can make people younger, why do they get older? It’s because of too much running or too much intensity


After a large amount of running, especially after taking part in a long-distance marathon or cross-country race, people feel “getting old”


This is because after a large amount of exercise, the body produces excessive free radicals, leading to low immunity


Free radical (FRS), also known as free radical, refers to the group, ion, atom or molecule with unpaired electrons in the outer orbit; free radical is chemically active and has strong oxidation, which can capture the electrons of normal cells and tissues, thus damaging cells and tissues.


By KingWay