The only thing you want to do when you come home exhausted after a track practice or long run is to lie down after a shower, right? But wait! The nutritionist will tell you: within half an hour after a long run or high-intensity training, what you do will determine the quality of your next training and whether you can complete the whole training healthily


As we said before, 30-60 minutes after a run is the prime time for recovery


At this point, the body is ready to re store glycogen and begin to repair muscle tissue to rejuvenate for the next run


After high-intensity training, such as interval training, rhythmic running or long-distance running for more than one hour, the most important thing is to supplement energy, because the muscles are very tired and the glycogen is consumed


For an easy run of 30 minutes, 60% below the maximum heart rate, energy supplement is not so important


Even so, it is recommended to eat immediately after training, in order to form the habit of eating after exercise


So how many carbohydrates do you need to recover? The answer is: divide your weight by 0.9 to get a value, and then eat the same amount of carbohydrates


For example, a person weighing 54 kg would recommend a carbohydrate value of 60 grams


To ensure that the ratio of carbohydrate and protein is 4:1, that is, the same 54 kg person recommended carbohydrate value of 15 grams


Of course, don’t worry about this ratio, as long as you can get both kinds of nutrition


After two hours, eat the same proportion of carbohydrates and protein


How much water do you want to drink? The answer is very different


It depends on the body condition, weather and amount of sweating


It’s better to do a sweating test (see tomorrow’s tweet for the specific test method)


The urine should show the color of lemonade after sufficient water replenishment


If it’s darker, or if you haven’t been to the bathroom for hours, drink more


Rehydration may be the most critical step in the body’s recovery process


Water supports many of the body’s key functions, including transporting nutrients and oxygen through the blood to the cells, washing waste out of the cells, and so on


If you’re dehydrated, the body has to double to function, so you’ll feel tired and take longer to recover.


By KingWay