Q: when you start running, how long is the right time to run? A: in the first week of running, 15 minutes is more appropriate


After that, your goal is gradual


Q: what if I can’t run 15 minutes in a row? A: at the beginning, most people couldn’t stick to it


In other words, it’s normal to do so


Here are some suggestions


Stage 1: goal: this stage adopts the way of walking for one minute and running for ten minutes, so that you can gradually grow from a zero base to a runner who can run for 45 minutes


After this stage, most people can finish five kilometers


1 / 2 week walk 1 minute run 2 minutes repeat 5 times total 15 minutes 3 / 4 week walk 1 minute run 4 minutes repeat 4 times total 20 minutes 5 / 6 week walk 1 minute run 6 minutes repeat 4 times total 28 minutes 7 / 8 week walk 1 minute run 8 minutes repeat 4 times total 36 minutes 9 / 10 week walk 1 minute run 10 minutes repeat 4 times total 44 minutes if the school runs a circle, take a minute off to walk 1 / 2 circle 1 / 4, you can start from running half circle walk half circle; run a circle walk Half lap run 1.5 lap walk half lap……


Be able to run 2.5 laps, walk half laps and repeat 4 times


Stage 2: goal: gradually get rid of walking, and be able to run for 60 minutes without interruption


After this stage, most people can run five miles (8-10km)


1 / 2 weeks walk 1 minute run 15 minutes repeat 3 times total 48 minutes 3 / 4 weeks walk 1 minute run 20 minutes repeat 3 times total 63 minutes 5 / 6 weeks walk 1 minute run 30 minutes repeat 2 times total 62 minutes 7 weeks walk 1 minute run 40 minutes walk 1 minute run 18 minutes total 60 minutes 8 weeks walk 1 minute run 45 minutes walk 1 minute run 13 minutes total 60 minutes 9 weeks walk 1 minute run 50 minutes walk 1 minute run 8 minutes total 60 minutes 10 weeks run 60 minutes continuously if the school runs a circle, take a minute off Instead of 1 / 4 laps, you can start with 1 / 4 laps for half laps, 1 / 4 laps for 2 laps, 1 / 4 laps for 3 laps……


How often is it better to run? A: for beginners, it is recommended to run three to four times a week


It’s better to run for a day and rest for a day


This gives the body some time to recover


Q: how far is it? A: don’t pay too much attention to running distance


Because if you focus on distance, you will also start to pay attention to your speed


For beginners, don’t stress speed


Running too fast can easily cause injury


Keeping running time is more important than distance


For example, in a fixed period of 45 minutes, if you are in different physical conditions, you can control the distance yourself


Q: what kind of speed is suitable for running? A: don’t run out of breath


It’s better to have a normal conversation


It seems simple, but many people can’t because they always feel that they are too slow


One thing to remember is that it’s important to find a comfortable rhythm at the beginning of running! Because running too fast is not easy to improve the function of the cardiovascular system, which is just a necessary condition for a successful runner


So enjoy running! Q: I’m afraid I’ll give up halfway


How can I stick to my running plan? A: 1


Sign up for a running competition


Do it right away! Having a goal and putting in some registration fees will give you the motivation to run


by my troth! 2


Find a runner and encourage each other when they can’t hold on


You don’t want each other to pull back




We must persist in the first three Mondays


After three weeks, running has become a habit


If you can make it through, it’s much easier to stick to it later


Because running is addictive




Because it’s addictive, don’t run too much


If you run too fast, play too much, or even run too often, you will easily hurt yourself, which is easy to lose confidence




If you’re running to lose weight, don’t worry too much about your weight


Generally speaking, because of the long muscle relationship, in the early stage of running, weight will not drop


Instead of obsessed with weight figures, it’s better to turn your attention to vision


Take a picture of yourself every few weeks and you’ll see that even though you don’t lose much weight, you’re much tighter


6, insist on writing daily attendance diary on the forums or blogs, get support from interaction with netizens, or run ID:gongyipao in running goddess official account


Slowly, you will be surprised to find that it will give you a lot of support




Every time after running, I have to cheer myself up: I’m thinner again, I’m more and more fit, I can run for an hour without interruption Q: how do I know if I’m running right or wrong? A: This is a common and very good question for beginners


However, the answer itself may not be as good as the question


Many people will tell beginners how to run naturally


But I have different opinions


I don’t think the natural method is necessarily right for most people


If you doubt that, ask yourself why 50% to 60% of runners get injured in running every year? In the past, many experts believed that the running posture of landing on the heel and then transiting to the forefoot should be adopted


In my opinion, this landing method means that your feet land before your body – the feet act as brakes, which will cause some problems more or less


The knee will hurt


A lot of different voices have been heard on the Internet – landing on the forefoot is the right way


I recommend you to have a look


These two methods are very similar


The ankle will hurt


Each method leads to problems


The heel landing knee will hurt, the forefoot landing ankle will hurt, and the full palm landing tibia will hurt


I’ve talked so much, mainly to let you understand that first, when you start running, it’s the best time to correct your running posture


It’s not so easy to change habits in the future


Second, you have to continue to study the problem until you get a satisfactory answer


It’s hard to get the answer; third, if you are going to run a marathon, you should watch more running videos of these professional runners; communicate with professional coaches; fourth, if you plan to run 5 kilometers a day and 100 kilometers a month, you can run in my way


On the grass, I use full foot landing or heel landing, and on the hard ground, I use front foot landing


When I don’t run, I squat against the wall and stand on tiptoe


Do I have to stretch before running? A: 1


It’s OK to simply stretch or not before running




It’s better to warm up before running than to stretch




It’s better to stretch after five minutes of relaxation than to stretch directly




Stretching after exercise is a good choice




Yoga is good for runners


Do you want to change your eating habits after you start running? First runners run about an hour a day


Nutrition is not a big problem


You don’t need to increase your food intake


Water is a runner’s best friend


Remember to drink water before and after running


I run to lose weight


How much can I lose? A: it’s a platitude


Many factors should be taken into account


I really can write a Book Now the main consideration is the following questions: 1


Running is the easiest to burn calories in various sports


So it’s wise to choose running to lose weight




Many people say that running can’t lose weight, largely because they eat too much


A runner said that he ran 1000 meters, then he was hungry and ate a pile of chocolates; 3


He ran three times a week for 30 minutes each time, and the weight loss effect would not be very obvious


Unless you stick to it for 45 to 60 minutes at a time, or increase the number of runs per week


All in all, you’ll get more out of this entry period in your running career.


By KingWay