I work out for two hours every day


Do you want me to do more exercise? One player has had a problem in recent months


Before going to bed at night, the chest is very stuffy, which seriously interferes with sleep and can’t sleep


During the day, I was dazed, had a bad memory, and I was grumpy


This situation lasted for two or three months, but it still did not improve


He thought it was not good, so he went to see a doctor


The doctor did a little examination for him and found that his heart rate was a little low and he had a little bit of high blood pressure


But the situation is not very serious


So the doctor said to him: “not to the extent of taking medicine, you usually strengthen the exercise on the line.” The player suddenly said Leng, what to strengthen the movement? What the doctor doesn’t know is that this player is a fitness enthusiast who works out for about two hours a day


So how can we put this kind of thing on him? He felt that the doctor was in vain


After he went home, his chest was stuffy, his sleep was poor, and his temper was grumpy


Aerobic exercise can protect the heart and strengthen the brain


Later, by chance, he came to me and asked me if there was any way


I asked him, what do you practice two hours a day? His training program is actually very simple


“It’s a routine fitness program, such as barbell push, rowing and squatting.” It’s a very regular way to build muscle


“Do you do running, rope skipping and other sports?” “I never do aerobic exercise because it doesn’t work and it also loses muscle.” That is, in the past two years of his fitness, he did not do an aerobic exercise


Later, my advice to him was to reduce the overall amount of training, and then do more aerobic exercise, running at least three times a week


Here is a brief talk about the difference between aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise


Anaerobic exercise, mainly to improve muscle tension and joint strength, its metabolic process, almost all occur in the muscle


And aerobic exercise, many people think is to lose weight, but its metabolic process is more slow, so there is enough time to penetrate into the brain and cardiovascular


Of course, I don’t understand too professional, I’m an experiential player


Running for a period of time, the heart and brain did not improve? After giving advice to this player, he went to implement it and came to me about two weeks later


“It’s no use at all.” At that time, I was startled, because almost all the suggestions I gave were effective, and how to get to him failed


At first, I thought he would run for another hour after two hours of practice


Maybe it’s too much exercise


As a result, he said, “I haven’t done any strength training in the last two weeks


I’m just aerobic three times a week.” This is even more impossible


Finally, I took a look at his running data and found out the reason


It uses the HIIT running method, which is either fast or jogging


And according to him, a very serious point is that he actually wears an oxygen mask to run, that is, he wears a mask that makes it difficult to breathe


At that time, I was really helpless because I asked him to do aerobic exercise


As a result, his way was mixed oxygen exercise, not even mixed oxygen


The oxygen supply was not enough


It was anaerobic training


This way, if you don’t become a fool, it’s good


Do you want a better brain and a stronger heart? The advice I gave him was to walk for 40 minutes, not to run, three times a week


Of course, the results were very good


After two weeks, the situation improved, the sleep improved a lot, and the mood became more stable


In fact, if he goes to the physical examination, his blood pressure may be normal, but his heart rate will still be a little low


However, if we stick to it for a long time, we may return to normal


Many people despise aerobic exercise and often do physical and strength training


However, excessive strength and physical training will lead to a decline in the ability of the heart and brain


You see a lot of professional sports, bodybuilding, look dull, like a fool


When physical examination, the heart rate is relatively low, often said by the doctor lack of exercise


At this time, you need to reduce physical strength, do more aerobic exercise, and pure aerobic exercise, so as to protect the heart and strengthen the brain


Don’t run too fast


Don’t wear an oxygen mask


#One in a hundred


By KingWay