A few days ago, a man in Quanzhou, Fujian Province, suddenly fell to the ground during running exercise, foaming at the mouth


A female nurse from Dongqiao town health center, who happened to pass by, immediately came forward to rescue him


Unfortunately, the man was not rescued in the end, which is a pity


This man, surnamed Chen, is a runner


He is 37 years old


He often takes part in marathons


He has the habit of running every day


He also insists on running in winter


Judging from his mobile phone, Mr


Chen Ran 8.95 kilometers at the time of the incident


Some runners mistakenly think that running in hot and humid weather is easy to be dangerous, while it is much safer in cold winter


The Journal of the American Medical Association once pointed out that cold winter, strong wind and shortened sunshine duration will increase the risk of myocardial infarction, among which the effect of temperature is the most obvious


When the temperature is below 0 ℃, the incidence of myocardial infarction is higher; when the temperature is above 3 ℃ ~ 4 ℃, the incidence of myocardial infarction begins to decline


The low temperature, stiff body and heavy equipment also greatly increase the risk of injury during running


When the body appears these dangerous signals, you must be careful! Therefore, winter running can not ignore their own safety! #1


All over the body is weak, once a person had fracture after running, but he didn’t sprain or wrestle in the process of sports, so how did he have fracture phenomenon? This kind of injury is called fatigue fracture, also known as stress fracture


It is caused by overload and long-time running, incorrect running posture, too hard ground or low shock absorption performance of running shoes


After repeated exercise or overtraining, because the bone can not bear the pressure, and there is no proper rest time, resulting in a small structural cracks


For ordinary runners, usually, they should pay attention to the control of the intensity of running every day


They should not run recklessly in order to complete their daily tasks


They must pay attention to the feedback of physical fatigue


If they feel very tired or in a bad state one day before running, they need to stop, because only they can perceive their own body


When they are tired The risk of running is very high


Moreover, in this case, due to the poor mental and physical condition, especially in winter, it is easy to cause movement deformation and injury


So we must pay attention




When you feel body pain or minor injuries, such as knee pain, sole pain and leg muscle pain, you should try a series of recovery methods, such as rest, ice compress, massage and static stretching, instead of hard support, which will only become more and more serious


Try to avoid the use of painkillers and antibiotics, Don’t train with injuries


Iliotibial band syndrome, anterior tibial pain, heel tendinitis, plantar fasciitis and other common running injuries are accumulated by not caring about them


Therefore, we must pay attention to the physical condition when we run at ordinary times


We can record our daily feelings in the daily log to analyze our own situation and complete the recovery


Now, more and more people are running marathons


To prepare for the marathon, we should do it according to our ability and step by step


If there are ankle sprains, plantar, Achilles tendon or knee pain, we should treat them in time




Sudden drop in body temperature we are talking about here is not the cold symptoms caused by sweating or catching cold after running, but the drop in body temperature during running


Due to the fall of temperature in autumn and winter, the symptoms of vasoconstriction and rising blood pressure will occur in the early stage of outdoor running


In addition, in order to keep light, runners in autumn and winter often lack warmth


Once there is a sudden drop in body temperature, no matter when you run or where you run, you must stop and take measures to keep warm by adding food, hot water and clothing




If you feel your heart beating fast and slow during running in autumn and winter, you should pay attention to the fact that severe arrhythmia during strenuous exercise is the initial signal of sudden death


In the process of running, you need to do this: don’t stop running immediately, pay attention to adjust breathing, slow down running to jogging or fast walking, and change to walking when the heart rate is slightly stable; if you feel uncomfortable, first ask other runners around for help, explain your heart condition, and send them to the doctor if necessary




“Extreme” when chest tightness, muscle weakness, if you run in autumn and winter in the process of serious chest tightness, asthma and other phenomena, this is also a dangerous precursor


Due to the large temperature difference between indoor and outdoor in autumn and winter, respiratory tract obstruction occasionally occurs in outdoor road running, resulting in chest tightness and asthma during running


Once this happens, runners need to slow down their running speed, adjust their breathing in time, and supplement drinking water and energy drinks


If symptoms cannot be relieved, help should be sought immediately




Running cramps in the process of running cramps must immediately stop running to do processing, especially in winter, in the case of cramps, if you continue to run, a high probability will cause serious muscle and bone damage


We should also pay attention to the psychological aspect, especially when the team is running together or the audience is very enthusiastic during the competition


If you have physical discomfort, you must respond immediately


Never try to be brave and ignore the physical feedback




Poor breathing is a very important part of running


If you have throat discomfort and dyspnea in winter, you should stop running in time


Cold air can easily lead to respiratory problems


If you are in a city with serious air pollution, you need to pay more attention to this


When the weather turns cold, people will be resistant to running


In addition, it’s easy to run out of health regardless of their own body feedback signals


Your body is your own


Running is just a way to keep yourself healthy


Don’t compete with yourself by running


Always listen to your body’s reaction



By KingWay