
Staying for a long time hurts the pancreas: when the diabetes cells are in idle muscles, the pancreas responds slowly and is prone to produce more insulin, leading to diabetes.

In the 2016 version of the guidelines issued by the American diabetes Association, it was clearly pointed out that all people should reduce their sedentary time, especially avoid sitting for more than 90 minutes.


The prevalence rate increases with age.

running rucksack

Pulmonary emphysema infection and other common diseases in the elderly are mostly related to the decline of lung function.



At present, knee osteoarthritis is the second highest disabling disease in the world.


Walk frequently to ensure that you will not sit for too long, it is recommended to take a short rest, about 20-30 minutes each time.

Prolonged sitting hurts the stomach: Prolonged sitting can easily cause gastrointestinal peristalsis to slow down, the secretion of digestive fluid from digestive glands to decrease, and symptoms such as anorexia appear, which aggravate the digestive system symptoms such as abdominal distension, constipation, dyspepsia, etc.


Of course, more intense exercise is better.


To solve the harm of sitting for a long time is actually one word: moving.

If the chair is too soft, the prostate may be compressed.

Are you surprised to see this data? Every day, I sit to brush WeChat, watch TV, eat, read newspapers, and play cards…

The correct sitting posture shall be maintained, the back shall be straight, the shoulders shall be naturally sagging, and the elbows can be placed on both sides.

This article is directed by Yan Shigui, director of orthopedics department of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University Medical College, director of orthopedics research institute, professor, doctoral supervisor and chief physician.


Sitting hurts the intestines: The peristalsis of the intestines and stomach of the people with colon cancer are weakened and slowed down, and the harmful ingredients are easy to stay in the colon, stimulating the intestinal mucosa.

Even when sitting, you can bend your waist, lift your shoulders or take a deep breath to reduce muscle tension.

Sitting for a long time, the contraction of leg muscles decreases, the blood flow speed of lower limbs slows down, and the incidence of thrombosis increases.

The risk of coronary arteriosclerosis increases by 12% after sitting for an hour every day.

Sitting for a long time causes bone injury: neck, shoulder, waist and back pain, neck, shoulder, waist and back are in a tense fixed position for a long time, which will not only lead to poor local blood circulation, but also lead to neck, shoulder, waist and back stiffness, acid swelling pain, headache and cervical spondylosis.


Because, the contraction and compression of the muscles at the back of the legs on both sides when standing on tiptoe will promote the blood flow of the lower limbs of the exerciser, accelerate the blood circulation, and prevent the varicose veins of the lower limbs.


Sitting for a long time is sad: the heart function will decline and the blood circulation will slow down, the heart function will decline and the heart muscle will atrophy.

If they sit for more than 12 hours continuously, the risk of pulmonary embolism increases, especially for middle-aged and elderly people with high blood lipids and high blood viscosity.

Sitting injury to blood vessels: arteriosclerosis, long-term sitting, reduced fat burning, increased cholesterol, may block the heart, blood vessels, and increase cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

At the end of the day, I seem to feel relaxed, but over time, my joints will be as stiff as rusty machine bearings.

Long term sitting increases the risk of type 2 diabetes by 112%.

It is better to get up and walk.

Pay attention to the Huangdi Internal Classic.

Sitting for more than six hours a day may increase the risk of premature death, and women’s risk is higher.

Sitting for a long time hurts the mind: dizziness, dizziness, immobility, slow blood circulation will also lead to insufficient blood supply to the brain, damage the mind and damage the brain, manifested as fatigue, dizziness and other symptoms.


You can replace it with a hard seat, and add a cushion on the back to reduce the pressure on the waist and not cross your legs.

Sitting for a long time damages the brain: it can cause Alzheimer’s disease to keep sitting for 1 hour, with blood concentrated in the lower extremities, weakened circulation, insufficient blood supply to the brain, hypoxia, dizziness, low mood, reduced thinking vitality, and even an important factor of Alzheimer’s disease.

The World Health Organization has already listed “sedentary” as one of the top ten deadly diseases.

In addition, the blood circulation in the abdominal cavity, pelvic cavity and lumbosacral region is not smooth, and the intestinal immune barrier function is decreased, which increases the risk of colon cancer.

Professor Yan Shigui, director of orthopedics department of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine, said that knee osteoarthritis is one of the common diseases in China, with a total prevalence rate of 15.6%..

“Ten people have nine hemorrhoids”.

Long-term sitting is a potentially frightening risk factor.

The amount of sedentary exercise is small, and the lungs can not get effective exercise, which will affect the blood supply to the heart and lungs.


If you keep sitting for a long time, it is also easy to cause hemorrhoids.


The incidence of arthritis in sedentary runners was 3.5%, while that in sedentary people was 10.2%.

“People must move when they are alive”.

Australian researchers found that the risk of death from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases increased by 80% and the risk of death from other causes increased by 46% compared with those who sat and watched TV for more than 4 hours every day.

Eight ways to avoid the harm of sitting for a long time Professor Gao Fangkun, the former director of the Beijing Institute of Geriatrics, reminded that the ligaments of the elderly began to stiffen, the muscle ductility became poor, the bones degenerated, and the overall function was declining.

Pay attention to the Huangdi Internal Classic.

For middle-aged and elderly people with arteriosclerosis and other diseases, sedentary blood circulation retardation can also induce myocardial infarction and cerebral thrombosis.

The risk of deep venous thrombosis of lower limbs increases by two times for people who sit in a fixed position for more than three hours every day.

Among people over 50 years of age, the prevalence rate of knee osteoarthritis is doubling in 10 years.

Pay attention to the Huangdi Internal Classic.

Pay attention to the Huangdi Internal Classic.

Tiptoe can be used in work and life, especially when the lower limbs are sore and weak after sitting or standing for a long time.

Even if you walk at snail speed, you will burn twice as many calories when you are sitting.

Sitting injury to the lung: it affects the blood supply to the heart and lungs.

The harm of sedentary is not only knee injury, but also from head to foot.


By KingWay