The prostate located in the perineum is deeply affected by the “heavy pressure”, which can easily lead to poor blood circulation in the prostate, accumulation of metabolic products, blockage of the prostate gland duct, poor secretion of glandular fluid, and chronic congestion of the prostate, leading to prostatitis

The June 2017 issue of the authoritative international medical journal “Journal of Orthopedics and Exercise Physical Therapy” pointed out that the incidence of arthritis in fitness runners is 3.5%, while the incidence of arthritis in sedentary individuals is 10.2%.

Over time, it can cause heart function to decline and cause myocardial atrophy.

Sitting for a long time still poses these hazards! People with heart disease who sit for a long time and exercise less have a reduced blood circulation, increased blood viscosity, weak myocardial contractions, and a four times higher risk of developing coronary heart disease compared to regular exercise or physical workers.

The same goes for joints in the human body, where regular exercise can stimulate joint cartilage and promote metabolism, so that joint synovial fluid can flow everywhere in the joints, providing lubrication and nutrition.

A study conducted by the School of Medicine at Columbia University in the United States clearly states that a single sitting for more than 60 minutes doubles the risk of death, and additional exercise in the later stages cannot alter this result.

Do you think sitting there won’t hurt you? wrong! Sitting is actually more likely to cause knee injuries than running.

Actually, this is a misconception.

If not used for a long time, the car can easily break.

camel pack running

If you sit for a long time in daily life and work, you need to pay attention to whether there is a large accumulation of visceral fat in your body, which is all sitting out.

Especially for middle-aged and elderly people with arteriosclerosis and other diseases, prolonged sitting with delayed blood circulation is most likely to trigger myocardial infarction and cerebral thrombosis.

When sitting for a long time, the weight of the upper body of the human body is completely compressed on the lower body.

Dai Xuesong, Director of the Joint and Sports Injury Department of Zhejiang Medical Second Hospital, explained that many people believe that running and fitness can more or less damage the knee joint, simply not exercising and reducing joint cartilage wear, thinking that this can protect the joints.

On the contrary, if one does not exercise for a long time, the synovial fluid in the joints cannot fully flow and cannot act as a lubricant, and the muscle tissue around the joints will gradually atrophy.

Over time, the joints lose their protection, and the risk of joint damage naturally increases.

According to the statistics of prostatitis clinics, about 70% of urology clinics are currently visited by patients with prostatitis, with about half of them being drivers and “taxi drivers”.

For example, a car is not meant to be parked in the garage without driving, but rather to be used frequently.

By KingWay