“Because I envisioned in my mind that the alternative to rain is to run stairs, but there are significant safety hazards.

Sitting in front of the computer, I recalled the day before yesterday.

Fortunately, there has been no rain recently.

The amount of running per day is very small, but gradually accumulated, there are also more than 20 kilometers per week, and more than 100 kilometers per month, which is a very satisfactory amount.

Every day I have to run, and there are always many accidents: for example, it’s already 10 o’clock or 11 o’clock when I come back.

Thinking about running a half horse at the end of April, safety comes first.

A while ago, I casually said to Sitar that I need to run every day.

Do you still want to run? For example, I didn’t sleep well last night, and I don’t have much energy today.

It’s time to push myself.

Today is the 338th day of the solar eclipse, 338/360 – The ignorant crow, bravely admitting its ignorance, while making more efforts to do so, must also believe that what is known may be wrong, and that knowing is not equal to achieving it..

Having set goals and plans, there will always be unplanned events, and not every day there is a “best running time” waiting for you.

compression toe socks

Running the same route, but seeing different people By writing this way, you can also write an article and write three or four hundred words, so you don’t have to wonder why you don’t know what to write today.

If I think about it, I’ll just let it go.”.

So I started to try running every day.

Therefore, the best way to face them is to mentally think of an alternative plan.

After all, this year, I have set myself a goal for the whole horse.

Are you still running? For example, if it rains, there’s no need to run.

First, achieve sustainability, and then find a breakthrough method from sustainability.

21 days passed quickly.

I ate Fried rice noodles in the morning, ordered steamed rice stew at noon, and ordered braised pork at night.

Yesterday I was wearing black pants with short black sleeves.

By KingWay