It’s really comfortable after finally having the opportunity to feel it! I can’t help but have a panorama! Of course, there is this dazzling rainbow wooden bridge


The South Ring Park is also a new park built in recent years


When you run across the bridge, your mood suddenly brightens! This year’s upcoming 2018 Tianjian Lake ยท Zhengzhou International Women’s marathon starts here


Running here for a few circles, you can not only breathe the fragrance of flowers in the fresh air in the west of Zhengzhou, but also see sculptures of different artistic styles, which is a highlight here


The ups and downs also enable more runners to have multiple choices to adjust their pace and run in a park with such good green coverage


There are groups of artistic sculptures, various plants and lush trees


My mood will be better


The water area of the West Tianjian Lake Park is equivalent to the Tianjian lake of Zijingshan park


I can pick up the camera to take photos


Zhengzhou sculpture park is located in Shenshan Park, the core area of Chengdong new area, echoing the banded landscape on the east side of the built Central Park


The blue road is surrounded by various green plants and streams


“When I don’t run, my pace is a little smaller” “what’s the urge?” if I run and see the beautiful scenery, I don’t think I can run


It is in the north of Xiliu Lake in the west of Zhengzhou


Address: North of the South Fourth Ring Road and east of the South University Road, Erqi District, Zhengzhou


It’s hard to express that kind of comfortable and beautiful mood


There is a good running environment


It’s really beautiful under the blue sky


However, the garbage buried underground has become the nourishment for plants, which will not damage the environment


On spring morning, you can run in the football Park, see the vitality in spring, and feel the infinite vitality of sports everywhere! This Sports Themed Park, surrounded by clear bicycle lanes and pedestrian runways, green trees, rivers, blue sky and white clouds, all highlight the vitality and beauty of the football park


This is the largest constructed wetland in Zhengzhou with the function of natural water ecosystem protection and restoration


The lake surface is very wide


North Lake Wetland Park North Lake Wetland Park integrates tourist service area, organic exhibition area, Wanliu biyin area Colorful flower sea area and wetland experience area are integrated into five functional areas


Tianjian lake may be your choice for running


Next, follow my footsteps and start together!.


Address: Zhengzhou South Ring Park, northwest corner of West Third Ring Chemical Road, Zhongyuan District, Zhengzhou


After so much running, there are still many good places to go


I think they can’t stop at all


The South Ring Park was built on this basis


I think I can’t help stopping to take photos when running


On the contrary, it has created the staggered terrain structure of the South Ring Park


At that time, it was mentioned that its size is equivalent to Zijingshan Park, and a few years ago, it was still a wasteland and landfill area with vertical and horizontal gullies and uneven heights


Address: Zhengzhou football park must be the most beautiful one integrating sports and leisure in the east of Zhengzhou football Park, Longhu inner ring road (Longyuan bajiekou), Jinshui District, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province


North Lake Wetland Park is located in the northwest corner of Longhu waterfront, adjacent to the inner ring of Longhu in the north and connected to the water area of Longhu in the south

. running rucksack

Measure your life with your steps


Running and walking by the beautiful lake with warm wind, the whole person will be refreshed and in a good mood! Address: about 50 meters to the south of the intersection of the East extension of the North Third Ring Road of Zhengdong New Area and Zhongyi Road, Longhu street, Jinshui District, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province


I can run naturally and easily


Address: Zhengzhou Sculpture Park, Fengxiang street, Zhongyuan District, Zhengzhou City, the morning light is beginning to appear, and the mist is slightly cool


By KingWay